Just shut up.

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{Heeeyy guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long... I have a couple of reasons. I've had many exams I had to study for and still one more coming up and no stories popped up in my head soooooo it's currently 1:52 am so sorry for the bad story to come.}

Hiccup's POV
The sun was shining, terrible terrors were singing on the rooftops and nothing could be better than a lazy Sunday in bed cuddling with my dearest wife, Astrid.
Our arms and legs were tangled up and we looked like a human jigsaw puzzle. (credits to Zoe Sugg for the idea in her book) I didn't want to move out of this position because I absolutely loved it, buut my arm was getting numb since Astrid was laying on it. I slowly wiggled my arm from under her waist being careful not to wake her up. But u wasn't very successful...

"Hmmm... What time is it?" Astrid asked sleepily

"Um it's 9:52am"

"Oh we should really get up!"

"No please? Just stay in bed with me it's a Sunday! It's my day of from all the hard work of being chief."

"I don't know Hiccup you know I'm not one to stay in bed all day"

"Please?" I said while making a sad puppy dog face.

"Uhhhhh fine. But just for a couple minutes"
Yesssss! I thought. I always love it when Astrid gives in when I make that face.

Astrid's POV
I finally gave in when Hiccup made that face that releases that inner part of me that always makes me want to just jump on him and kiss him for all eternity.
When I settled down in bed, Hiccup immediately grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

"I love you, you know?" He mumbled.

"What kind of a question is that? Of course I do, you dummy!" I said laughing.

"Haha very funny."

And with that, hiccup smashed his lips against mine. I was very shocked so I didn't kiss back because usually Hiccup isn't this rough with his kisses. It was usually light, short kisses. He pulled away.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you didn't kiss back. You usually do. Really quickly."

"It's because I was shocked because you literally smashed your lips against mine and with you it's usually just short, light kisses. Usually it's me that initiate these sorts of kisses. I was just shocked that you did it because you never did it before and you..."

Hiccup put his finger against my mouth.

"Shhhhh you're word vomiting all over the place. So just shut up and enjoy it" He whispered softly.

I nodded and closed my eyes.
Within about half a millisecond, I could feel his soft velvety lips on mine once again. This time, I kissed back passionately.

"I love you, my adorable little dork"

"I love you more Milady"

"I love you the most..."

Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this new part! It's now 2:26 so I'd better go and sleep soon... Anyway, sorry once again for the super late update, but then again don't expect anything too much this month either. So probably one or two more this month as the next exam is a big one because it decides which high school I'm going to. Yes, I am still in Primary school (idk how Americans call it but Im currently in year 6 and that's why my stories suck at the moment.) and I live in Australia. I used to, wait I still ship Pepperoni (Pepper Potts and tony stark) but now I'm also into Hiccstrid. My friends think I'm obsessed (which I deny but it's actually true... I'm obsessed. 😂) anyway, enough of this rambling, enjoy your days! Peace out!

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