What happened to me?

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Have I used this pic before? IDEK 😂 be sure to check out my new book! 'Friend Zone' anyway, this idea just popped up in my head so... Enjoy!
Hiccup's POV
"YES!" I shouted as I tossed the black sheep into the basket with the nightfury painted on it. Another victory to me! Whooopeee!
Toothless did a celebratory loop around the sky and landed where the rest of the gang landed.

"Ugh I'm so sick and tired of you winning all of our dragon races. Why can't I win for a change huh?" Snotlout said. "WHY CANT I WIN FOR A CHANGE THOR, WHY?"

"Oh just suck it up Snotlout. Just accept that hiccup won again." Astrid said.

"Oh I will, just after I do this!" Snotlout said as he punched me square in the face.
I stepped back to keep my balance but tripped on a rock and fell on the ground, hitting my head. Then I blacked out.

Astrid's POV
"Snotlout! What in the name of Thor did you do that for?!" I shouted while kneeling on the ground to help Hiccup. "Hiccup, are you okay?"

"Huh? Wha? Where am I? Who are you?" Hiccup said looking around with a scared expression on his face.

"My name is Astrid, I'm your girlfriend. And you're on Berk, the island where you live and made peace with the dragons."

"Huh? What dragons?" He asked with a really confused look.

"Okay let's just bring you around to places that mean a lot to you the most and re-introduce you to people that also mean a lot to you. That way we will hopefully bring your memory back."

No one's POV
Pretty much within an hour, the word spread around the island that hiccup lost his memory.
Astrid tried everything she could think of to jog hiccup's memory back. Astrid told him about their relationship but he just made a grossed out face. She tried Toothless, Valka, The Arena, and finally the cove.
Astrid gave up and sat down beside the lake in the cove. hiccup joined her shortly after.
"Thank you for everything you've done to try to get my memory back Astrid. But it hasn't worked out that well. I'm sorry that I let you down."

"You didn't let me down hiccup, I just miss the old you that's all."
Astrid leaned in and kissed Hiccup, not expecting him to kiss back. But he did.

"Astrid," Hiccup whispered, foreheads still touching."I love you."

"Hiccup! You've got your memory back!"

"Yeah, I did. But what even happened to me? How did I lose my memory?"

"Well, Snotlout punched you in the face and you tripped on a rock. When you fell you hit your head."

"Oh. Well remind me later to return that punch to Snotlout."

"Why later?"

"Because I don't want to leave you right now." He said smiling his awkward smile.
Astrid always laughs at his gorgeous smiles, no matter how awkward. And that's exactly what she did.
FINITO! Another chapter finished. In case you didn't read my Authors note in the beginning of the chapter, be sure to read my other book 'Friend Zone'. It isn't HTTYD, but I'm planning to do a book that's Hiccstrid later on in the year. Sooooo yah.
Peace out! ✌🏼️

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