Help! (Part 2)

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"Hah hiccup, hiccup hiccup. YOU should never underestimate ME. FIRE!!!"

"Oh no." What have we gotten ourselves into? Hiccup thought. He clung onto Astrid tighter as he didn't want her to get hurt. By then, flaming arrows were raining down on them and the rest of the gang.

"Hiccup! What should we do!?" Snotlout shouted.

"We fight and don't let them capture toothless!" Hiccup replied.
The gang nodded their heads and took off in their dragons to start blasting dagurs men.
But when hiccup wasn't looking, Dagur jumped up and grabbed toothless by his tail, causing them to crash.
"You'll never get your filthy hands on toothless! You hear me? Never!" Hiccup shot at him.

"Haha! We'll see about that Haddock." Dagur said as he grabbed a nearby axe and charged towards them.
Hiccup, being the prepared dragon trainer he is, already figured out how to communicate with dragons. So he told toothless to take as many shots as possible to get rid of Dagur once and for all.

When toothless started blasting, Dagur dodged most of them except for one. That shot didnt kill him but just pushed him onto the ground. As he was picking himself back up, he noticed hiccup wasn't there anymore. Suddenly, Dagur felt a sharp pain pierce through his chest. He looked down and blood was oozing out as his vision blurred and fell on the ground, lifeless.

Hiccup, standing there with an aggressive look on his face, looked really proud of himself.
The rest of the gang saw what happen and were cheering wildly.

When they all returned to Berk to live their normal lives, Astrid noticed everyone was unusually quiet. So she decided to ask Gobber.

"Hey gobber, why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden? Did something happen"

"Aye. I'm afraid lass, that yer parents didn't make it. They went on a sailin trip but there was a mighty storm and it destroyed their ship. I'm so so sorry lass."

"Oh... Th..that's o..okay gobber, th...thank you." By this time Astrid was very close to crying.
Hiccup happened to overhear their conversation and walked over to embrace Astrid in a hug.

"Shhhhh. It's okay, you can stay with me and my dad from now on." Hiccup said.
This time, Astrid didn't hold back her tears. She started sobbing on hiccups shoulder.

"Don't cry Astrid. How about we head back home and I'll make you some cabbage soup. I know how much you love that."

"Th...thank hi..hiccup" Astrid managed to blurt out.

"Anything for you my dear." (Sound familiar? ;D)
Another chapter done people!
I hope you enjoyed! Oh and thank you guys so so much for, wait for it...



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