Happy Valentines Day

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IM BACCKKKKKKKK!!! Well I decided to write more of these because I get these random ideas in my head when I daydream in class and I don't know where to put them soooo... plus when I saw this book had 10k reads I was like Rhiwvuejabheiwjejeojnwhoheeb. I can't believe people would want to read my crappy book! Geez thank you guys so muchhh!!! Enjoy the Valentine's Day special cuz Valentine's Day is like tomorrow soooo.


Today was the day. The day when Hiccup was going to finally confess his feelings for Astrid. In a card. Just because it's Valentine's Day and he's going to make her go on a little treasure hunt to find the actual card...

So early in the morning when the sun was just peeking out from behind the horizon, Hiccup and Toothless set off, in search for suitable places to hide the clues on Dragons Edge.

By the time they were back at the clubhouse for dinner, the sun was just about going down. When the others finished up, he asked Astrid to stay behind to chat for a while.
"Hey um Astrid?"

"Yeah hiccup?" Astrid had hoped the whole day that Hiccup was finally going to ask her and tell her that he loved her back as much as she loved him. Yes that's right. They loved each other and they didn't even know it.

Maybe this was finally going to be the time. Not.
"Um. This is for you."
He handed her a small card with tiny writing on it.

And with that, hiccup got up and left, leaving Astrid to read the card in peace.

Where the island meets the sea, where it was built twice but never stayed.

What? She thought to herself. What could where it was built twice but never stayed mean? It was obvious where the island meets the sea is somewhere around the edge of The Edge.

So Astrid saddled Stormfly up and took to the sky in search for this place.

After circling the island a couple times, she suddenly remembered the place where the twins were supposed to build that watchtower and it kept collapsing before hiccup could see it.

ah Hiccup. How he looks at you with that sweet smile, and those charming emerald eyes are just oh so dreamy.

She landed next to a boulder and searched the area for probably another card that looked the same as the first.

After a while of searching, she found it near a bush close by.

Where Thorstonton started

It said. What? Where thorstonton started? That could be anywhere! Literally they started everywhere. The clubhouse, the stables, the arena, but where it all began...

The namey rock!

Astrid flew over to the namey rock to see yet another piece of card.

Finally, head to where it all started. There you will find something that you must have.

Where it all started? Like where the edge all started? The first camping spot during the first night maybe?

So that's where she went. And surely enough, she saw another card. But this one was bigger. She opened it and gasped.

Dear Astrid,
In all the time that I've known you, I've never been able to express how much you mean to me. How you've helped me through tough times, whether it's my bossy father, or dealing with Snotlout and the Twins. This card would not nearly be as big as I want it to be to be able to fit in all the things in the world I would thank you for. That that will haunt me. But I do want to say thank you for one big thing that has to go into this card. Thank you,  for being in my life. For being such  a major part of it to be in fact. And thank you, for being you. So will you make the guy behind you a happy man be being his valentine?

Astrid closed the card and turned around, and surely, her one and only hiccup was here, standing really awkwardly.
"So?" He asked

"So?" She mimicked. "You dork hiccup horrendous haddock the third! You're the most cheesiest, dumbest, craziest person I've met, the first to ride a dragon, the first to kill the queen, my first love, of course I'll be your valentine.

They smiled at each other and hiccup took a step forward.
"You know you're super cheesy as well m'lady."

He took Astrids hands in his and kissed her. It felt amazing. Like no other feeling, like everything else was nothing. It was just him, her, and that feeling.



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