Help! (Part 3 cuz u guys apparently wanted it)

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In the Haddock's house, valka was as welcoming as can be. She let Astrid move in all her things after she drank the soup.
"My dear, our house is quite small, so if you don't mind, could you share a room with hiccup? I'm sure he won't mind." Valka said

"Sure! I'll do anything you want. It's the least I can do for letting me stay here Mrs haddock."

"No no no. I'll do the housework, you just relax deary. And please, just call me Valka"

"Thank you so much! I really appreciate you guys helping me."

"It's alright Astrid. Now why don't you bring your things upstairs to Hiccups room?"

"Sure!" Astrid said while picking up her box of childhood memories and essential items and carrying it upstairs.
She opened the room door to see hiccup sleeping on his bed. Astrid carefully tiptoed over to his desk and put her box down, but while she was making her way to the bathroom, one of the floorboards creaked. Very loudly.

"Astrid? What are you doing here?" Hiccup said sitting up.

"Oh your mum said I had to share a room with you if you don't mind."

"Oh no. Not at all. Gee it's hot. Wanna go to the cove for a swim? I could really use a cool off."

"Okay sure! Just let me get changed."

Time skip

"Woah. I never really noticed how beautiful the cove could look during sunset." Astrid commented.

"Yeah. It really is something huh. Hiccup said as he grabbed his girlfriends hand and started walking towards the water.
Hiccup dived in, leaving a cold Astrid on the surface.

"Come on in! It's not bad If you just dive in. If you think about it, you'll just be colder."

"But the waters so cold!" Astrid whined.

"Oh stop whining and come in!" Hiccup said as he splashed water onto Astrid's entire body.

"Hey! youre going to pay for that haddock!" Astrid yelled as she jumped in.
"Gosh you were right, it's not that bad after all."

"Yeah of course I am." Hiccup said, bringing Astrid in close so she was half straddling his legs.
The both leaned in and kissed passionately. (Da feeeelzzz)


"How about that huh?" Hiccup said as he slid under the covers.
It was now midnight and they both just showered and were dressed in their pajamas.

"That was the best ever." Astrid replied, sliding into the covers closely after.
She snuggled into hiccups chest while he nuzzled into her hair, and soon they both fell fast asleep.

The end.
Heyyyy guys! Not the end of the book just saying, I just thought the ending was like one of those stories ya know? Anyway, thanks for readin this far in guys! 😍😍😍


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