Chapter 2

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"Ali, hurry up!" I whine, pulling her out the door. My long brown hair was curled and the only make up I was wearing was a tiny bit of mascara and some lip gloss. Lucky for me I have pretty clear skin, no spots. We get into Ali's car and drive off (Ali is already 18 so she can drive) when we arrive we go into the stadium and hand our tickets to the ticket guy. "Front row," he says, not even looking at us. Charming. We take our seats and Ali quickly tries to explain who's who.

"Okay, firstly, dark haired boy, blonde stripe through it, dreamy brown eyes, who's that?" She asks me, raising her eyebrows.

"Umm... Li-Zayn?" I answer.

"Yes," she replies.

"Okay, I don't know the rest!" I say, raising my hands up in surrender.

"Aww, don't worry, I'll tell you the rest. So the guy with brown hair and brown eyes is Liam, blue eyes and brown hair is Louis, green eyes and curly brown hair is Harry, and finally," she gets a dreamy look in her eyes, "Blue eyes and blonde hair is Niall," She sighs. "If only they knew we existed."

I gotta admit myself, that would be pretty cool. Suddenly, the crowd erupts and 5 of the most beautiful boys I have ever seen come out onto the stage. Ali starts screaming stuff like 'ONE DIRECTION!' and 'OH MY GOD NIALL!' I chuckle at her. They begin singing What Makes You Beautiful. I am listening happily, looking at all the people behind me, taking in the vast amount of people. Suddenly, when it gets to Harry's solo, he stops singing. Everyone behind me looks at him and then straight at me. Next to me, I hear Ali whisper "Oh my god, umm... Summer?"

"Yeah?", I say, slowly turning to face the stage. Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn are singing, but Harry is standing, open-mouthed staring at ME. I begin to blush madly, suddenly realising why everyone was staring at me. Louis goes up to Harry to see why he stopped singing and see's why. He looks at me and his mouth falls open too. Okay, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable now. Niall, Liam and Zayn stop singing and walk over to Louis and Harry. Niall looks in our direction and locks eyes with Ali. Liam and Zayn shake Harry and Louis , trying to snap them out of their trance. By now practically everyone in the stadium is staring at us.

"Sorry about this guys," Liam says before dragging Harry offstage. Zayn grabs Louis and does the same. Now Niall is left staring at Ali. Liam comes back and drags Niall offstage. The audience give us a mixture of dirty and jealous looks, because it looks as if the boys aren't coming back.

"What.Just.Happened?" Ali breathes, her eyes still staring at the spot where Niall was.

"I don't know, but lets go. I don't think they're coming back," I say, standing up.

"Okay," she says, following me. We get outside and walk to Ali's car. It's dark and quite cold. There is a bit of paper on her car window. She picks it off and as she reads it her eyes go wide.

"What?" I ask, thinking it was something bad.

"I-I-Ni-Niall," she stutters, handing the paper to me. 'Call me' it said and underneath it had his number.

"How did he know this is your car?" I ask. Something bout this doesn't feel right to me.

"I-I don't know!" She replies.

Suddenly, I feel as if someone hit me over the head with a sack of bricks.

"Oh my god," I say, feeling dizzy and weak.

"Summer!" Ali shouts running over to help me stay up.

"Summer, you look really pale," she says, tears welling up in her eyes. My gums begin to sting which hurts just as much as my head, if not more. I scream.

"Summer, stay here, I'm gonna get help, okay?" And with that, she runs towards the now empty stadium.

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