Chapter 21

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I look up slowly, wondering who would do this. Are they going to hurt me?

I turn around to see the boys and Mira staring at me. Louis jaw has dropped.

"Mira d-do you know where my birth pendant is?" I ask, my voice going steadily higher.

She looks shocked. "It-it isn't gone, is it?"

"It is," I reply. She runs into her room and returns with hers, which is smooth and purple.

"Mine is still here, who do you think took it?" She asks.

"I-I don't know," I reply, looking at the ground. My stomach rumbles.

I realise the last time me, Louis and Harry ate was two days ago.

"Coming out to hunt, guys?" I ask. They all nod.

"Guys, if I ever... You know.... Lose control, dont hesitate to do anything you can to stop me, please?"

They all look at me shocked.

I give them all a look. They all hesitantly nod. We all run out and into the early morning.

I sniff the air hoping to find a source of blood. Instead I smell a familiar scent. I run towards it. Just as I arrive I jump into a tree, I don't know why, my instincts are telling me to. I hear the leaves rustle beside me. I turn around to see Louis.

'I don't know where the others are,' he says in my mind, 'what are we doing here, and why are we in a tree?' He smirks.

'I think Ali is over there, in that little clearing, and I don't know why I'm in a tree, I felt like sitting in a tree, problem?' I ask sassily.

"Yeah, I do got a problem, your stealin my sass," he says, raising his eyebrows. I stick out my tongue, and he sticks his out back. How mature are we. We both laugh, because he just read my mind. Then we stop, and I look into his eyes. I realise I'm staring and I look away quickly, blushing intensely.

" you umm...wanna go and..ermmm..." I stammer but I'm cut off by Louis speaking. "Let's go, love,"

Aaaaaah he called me love! I get major butterflies in my stomach. We jump out of the tree and walk towards the clearing. Just as we're about to see what's in the clearing, a high pitched scream fills our ears. We run out into the clearing to find an unconscious Ali. I run over to her and pick her up but as soon as I do, I feel a monster arise in me. I drop her.

"Louis help her, I can't, I just can't!" I say before running away.

I run deep into the forest.

I.need.blood. I beginning to lose control. I find a deer and without hesitation I sink my fangs into its neck and suck it lifeless. I also do this with 3 rabbits, 2 squirrels and an owl I finally feel satisfied. Oh my god, I'm nothing but a blood sucking monster. I lean against a tree and slide down so I'm sitting against it. I begin to cry so loudly, I don't hear the footsteps.

"Shh, it's okay," a soothing voice says.

"No, it's not!"I shout.

"Would this make it okay?" The person says. I look up and freeze. I see two people I least expect to see. And guess what one of them is holding. It belongs to me and it starts with pen and ends with dant.

-------------- A/N----------------

Okay, so I logged onto my wattpad this morning to update, and I was drinking juice while updating, and when I finished updating I proof read it and when I seen the amount of reads I choked on my juice!

700 READS! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also, I have 22 votes, which is more than I could've wished for, I didn't even think I'd get one ;)

Oh yeah, and DID YOU SEE THE BOYS ON TCA???!!!!!!! HARRY DIDN'T ACCEPT HIS AWARDS BECAUSE THE BOYS WEREN'T THERE! I found that so noble of him :) sorry about my rant.

Please keep reading and voting, thank you :)

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