Chapter 15

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I step out into the garden. We have a forest on one side of our house and a street leading into other streets on the other side.

I look up at the moon and I wonder how it looks so close but so far away.

I begin to think of random things, Louis one of them. He's so sweet, funny, kind and caring. He has beautiful eyes. I feel so happy when I'm with him, it's like we're connected in some way. And even though I hardly speak to him, I feel I have some kind of connection with Harry too. Weird, right? I can't explain it though, I don't fully understand it myself.

Oh god, I left the boys at the backdoor! I begin to walk towards it, when the trees nearest the forests edge (the one ps closest to me) rustle.

"Oh haha, guys, very funny, you can come out now," I say, though I have a bad feeling that its not the boys.

"Uh, Summer, we're at the other side of the back door," Louis shouts.

Just then, I get a glimpse of red eyes in the trees, watching me.

"What the hell?" I mutter, panicking. The figure steps out f the trees and disappears. What is this, some sort of horror ghost movie? Well, it's certainly freaking me out. Jeez, it's times like this that I wish I was a cat or something so I could see ghosts. I feel myself shrink, grow fur and ears and my senses die down, just a little, but cat senses are pretty good.

"Meow," I well, meow. Oh my god! This is one of my hidden powers! Cool!

Cats have funny sights, but it's very effective. I see a shaded grey figure coming my way, so I guess it's the ghost/person I just seen. I hiss. It stops. It's defiantly a man, I know that.

I can't fight him like this and I haven't figured out how to change back yet, so I sprint to the back door and look up. Not too far away, I think.

I glance around quickly, and see the guy coming towards me slowly. Huh, he's purple now, instead of grey.

I've gotta try this, I think. It's now or nothing. I jump up into the air and I hit the lock and it clicks. Yes! The boys burst through the gate, and I hold onto it like my life depends on it, otherwise I'd go flying into the wall. I let go, and see that guys gone.

"Summer!" The boys are saying frantically. "Where are you?"

Haha, this should be good. I run up to Louis, who doesn't see me, and I begin to rub against his leg. Man, I can see why cats do this, it feels so good. He looks down and picks me up.

"AWW guys look its a little kitty, and it doesn't have a collar either!" He says, rubbing behind my ears. God, that's good. Before I know it, I'm purring.

"AWWWWW," the guys gush, surrounding me.

"Let's take it in, maybe Summer went in," And with that, they take me in.

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