Chapter 27

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- Louis POV -

Little things. So many little things I never got to tell her, like her eyes are beautiful and her smile makes me feel like the happiest guy in the world. Her hugs made me feel warm and happy, unlike anyone else's hugs. She had a beautiful personality. Funny, cute, bubbly, sassy. She was perfect for me. I loved her. I really did. I still do. I always will, no matter what.

I know the guys loved her too, but not as much as me. We are surrounded around her body right now, and not one person isn't crying. We think our ex girlfriends are real monsters. Summer never deserved this. She never done anything wrong

'Im a monster' I remember those harsh words Summer spoke after her first kill.

'Your not a monster.' I had comforted her. I wish I could comfort her just now.

'Summer, you are an angel.' She's not a monster, she's a beautiful angel. My beautiful angel.

We could've had a future together.

I know I will never love another girl, she was the only one.

If I had a choice between her and me dieing, I'd pick me in a heartbeat. She still has the choice of love. I don't, my heart belongs to her.

I think...

No, she can't be.

'She is'

I-is she? Could Summer be my.....






... Mate?

- Summers POV -

I suddenly feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I look around. I'm in my house and everyone is gathered around something. Everybody as in Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall, Ali, Mira and some guy I don't know. Everyone is crying, except for the guy, he is staring straight ahead. Suddenly, Mira flees the room sobbing loudly. She ran right by me, why did she ignore me?

I walk up to the bed everyone is surrounding. I gasp. I see my body even more pale than I was when I was a vampire. Oh god, I'm dead. Zayn walks out aswell with his head in his hands. He is crying aswell. I wonder if there's anyway they can see or hear me? I walk up to Niall since he's the closest.

"Niall," I whisper softly in his ear. He doesn't react. Hmm... I'll try Harry, he is second nearest. I walk up to him and whisper "Harry," softly in his ear. He jumps up.

"Guys did you hear that?" He asks, shivering.

"Hear what? Niall asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Everyone looks at Harry.

"Uhhm, never mind," Harry says looking at me. (Well, my dead body).


I touch his shoulder. My hand goes right through it. He jumps up shivering,looking all around the room.

"Okay, who's there, this isn't funny!" He shouts. The guys give him a weird look.

"What are you doing. Harry?" Liam asks, sighing.

"Someone whispered my name and then something freezing cold touched my shoulder! I-I think" his eyes widen, "Summer?" He whispers, looking around the room. The guys look at him like he's lost his mind.

I walk over to Louis. Lets see if it works with Louis. I cup his chin in my hand. I lean in and whisper "Louis," in his ear. I wish I could speak to him, tell him how I really feel about him. I wonder if he would ever like me back.

"HARRY'S NOT LIEING," he shouts.

Someone taps me on the shoulder making me jump. I thought they couldn't touch me? I turn around and see a person I never thought I'd see again. I look at her, smiling, tears in my eyes.

"Is that really you?" I say, smiling while letting the tears free fall down my face. She nods and smiles softly.

"M-mum," I stammer.

"Hello darling,' she whispers, embracing me.

"H-how-" she cuts me off. "I will explain, but first I need to tell you something," she says, her face suddenly serious.

"What is it?" I ask, wondering why she looks so serious.

"Well Summer, remember I used to tell you you were special? Well.... You are. You are a vampire of the moon, the rarest type of vampire, you are destined for greatness. You and one other vampire which will be your mate, are destined for something great, you are destined to rule over vampires. To find your mate you should probably look for people that have the same powers as you. Your mate will have the same powers as you. You have alot of hidden powers, you just haven't discovered them yet. Your mate will probably be the same. They might not even know what they are? You can return to your body, but it might not be easy. You have to find your other half (aka other vampire of the moon, her mate) and you have to connect your birth pendants. If you do that, you will connect your souls. And you will be brought back to life. But you will not be able to separate, you will have a bond with your mate forever. You should already have a minor bond. Have you ever been around anyone that makes you feel happy all the time, they love every little thing about you and you just feel drawn to them? The more you are around your mate the stronger your bond gets. So at first, you might not realise you like them, then you start noticing everything they do and you try to memorise every detail of their face. You love listening to the sound of their voice and their hugs comfort you in every way. Your not afraid to tell them how you really feel, but sometimes your shy around them? When you were about to die, who was the person that was in your mind?"



Will Summer ever come back to life? Is Louis the 'other half' of Summer?

I listened to They Dont Know About Us while writing this, it made me feel the story oh my god I felt like crying ;(

Possibly, you never know, I'm making a sequel. I'll try putting the sequel up tonight/ tomorrow, but I need ideas for the name or I can't put it up, so please comment what you think it should be!

Also please vote, love you guys...

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