- Still Summers POV -
"WHAT!" I shout startling everyone, including Louis.
"Oh umm... Sorry guys, I was ahh.... Yeah..... Never mind," I say, blushing.
I can tell Louis is about to read my mind, so I begin to focus my mind on........ Carrots! He gives me a confused look and I just laugh, causing everyone to stare again. He laughs too.
"I.LOVE.CARROTS!" He shouts, his face lighting up. We both laugh again. We must look like idiots.
There is a knock at the door and me and Lou stop laughing.
"I got it," I say running with great speed to the door. I listen and hear a heartbeat.
Hmm, a human.
I open the door to reveal a very shocked Ali staring back at me.
"ALIIIIIIIII!" I shout, tackling her into a hug. She hugs back, crying silently.
"I-I thought someone had t-taken you," she whispers.
"No, well, yes. I passed out and they came and helped me. Now I have 5 new friends!" I say enthusiastically.
"Who?" She asks, curious."Do I know them?"
"Heck yeah!" I reply, taking her hand and leading her into the living room where the boys are. When we enter the room, Ali squeezes my hand, before swooning and fainting.
Niall is over in a flash and he catches her in his arms.
AWW! I think.
He puts her down on a couch, making sure she is in a comfortable position. I see a sparkle in his eyes when he looks at her and I know he likes her.
"Well... What now?" I ask, sitting in an armchair. My throat is starting to itch and I feel my fangs pop out.
I must need blood, I find myself thinking grimly.
"Yeah love, your eyes are red," Louis says, winking.
"We'll, why don't we go out hunting in turns, so we don't leave Ali alone in case she wakes up?" Liam suggests and everyone agrees.
"Okay, Summer, Louis and Harry, you can go first," Niall says, clearly wanting to stay with Ali.
"Okay," Louis says happily, speeding to the door. Me and Harry follow.
Soon we are running in the forest next to my house, looking for an animal to get blood. I soon smell blood. I run towards it, Harry and Louis following.
For some reason, I'm much faster than them. As I get closer, I realise this is a human we're approaching. I slow to a stop as Harry and Louis catch up with me. They realise I've stopped, so they stop too, confusion written on their faces.
"Humans," I whisper, barely audible, but they hear it thanks to vampire hearing.
"Are we going to ambush them, or are we going to leave it?" Harry asks me, if I'm in charge.
"Let's just leave i- I stop in mid sentence. I feel something stirring in me. I think it's taking over me, and I can't stop it.
I manage to whisper, "Help me,", looking at Harry and Louis before everything goes black.

They Found Me (1D)
FanfictionSummer Hills isn't your average teenager. She was born to be a vampire, but she doesn't know. Her mother disappears, leaving her with her older sister, who doesn't really pay much attention to her. When she turns 18, her best friend gets her 1D tick...