Chapter 4

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When we got onstage there was the screaming fans. Liam began to sing and I got ready to sing. Until I seen her. The girl in my dreams. I thought she was a figment of my imagination, too perfect for existence, but there she was. I stopped and stared, scared she was going to disappear. She wasn't even facing the stage, she was looking behind her. Louis noticed something was up and he came over to me.

"Mate you alright?" He asks, quietly. He looks to see what I am looking at and his jaw drops too. Niall comes over and he sees a girl, that seems like the girl I am staring at's friend. His eyes lock with hers and they stare at each other. By this time the girl must have noticed something was up because she slowly turns to face us. She blushes when she sees me, then Louis staring. Liam drags me offstage at this point. When we are backstage he says "Harry, what the hell?" Louis and Zayn come in. Liam goes to get Niall. He comes back a moment later with a stunned Niall in front of him.

"Okay guys, what was tha-" and thats all I hear because I begin to have a vision. The scenery changed. I am outside, next to a car, where I hear moaning, and then a scream. Suddenly, everything comes into focus. The girl in my dreams is on the ground in pain and her friend is nowhere to be seen. I look around and realise this is just outside the stadium. I've got to help her. The scene dissolves and I hear Liam shout "HARRY! Are you even listening to me?!"

"Guys, girl outside, dreams, danger," is all I manage to say before I vampire speed outside to look for the girl (Okay so me, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall are vampires in case you didn't know) I hear the boys behind me. I run outside and stop for a moment, looking around. I see a red car, and hear moaning coming from behind it. I also hear an extremely slow heartbeat, fading slowly. I look at the boys and they stare at me with startled and bewildered expressions, after all, they never seen my vision. I get to the car. Just as I'm about to walk around the car to get to the girl, the heartbeat slows to a stop.

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