Chapter 1. Part I, The man

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"Happy birthday!" Her mother exclaimed; taking pictures and laughed.

Jocelyn smiled at her mother, her single hard-working mother who had ups and downs raising her youngest daughter but never gave up or regretted. "Thank you mom, I can't believe you made this for me, and it's strawberry!" She giggled and took out the candles that still had smoke coming from where it lit; and licked the bottom.

"Well you have the taste buds of your father, he loved strawberry flavored cake. Although the store was out of frosting so it's from scratch but hey, it's the thought that counts" she had always talked about her dead husband anyway she could when it came to something Jocelyn liked. She tried to make her daughter like herself, but finally gave up when she was ten when she was too much like her father.

It was in the late fall, of all seasons. Snow had started to fall, and the roads had started to freeze. He was on his way from California since he was a trucker, a small Chevrolet wasn't paying attention and smashed their car against him and the truck of the semi while he was just getting in, smashing every part of his body, he was pronounced brain dead. One stupid small car ended a valuable life and destroyed his family. Jocelyn had just turned only five months before it happened. Of course she struggled to meet the needs of her little girl but she never gave up and somehow got threw.

Jocelyn ate a piece of cake and helped her mother put it away for leftovers and cleaned up. She was happy that she had moved back to her old home, in the town where she was born. The upstairs was basically hers, a big bedroom, bathroom with shower, tub, toilet, sink. The basement was her mothers, master bedroom and bathroom.

The main floors seemed little compared to their bed rooms. The front door had a little area that led into the living room, which seemed bigger than needed. There were two doorways, one into the kitchen and the other to the dining room. Of course you could get to the dining room through the kitchen too.

"Well it's almost ten so you get to bed, you have school tomorrow but hey, least it's Friday tomorrow" her mother said, then shrugged.

"Yeah, I was gonna get ready anyway. I'm exhausted, school, homework and then I gotta get a job for some gas money" Jocelyn rubbed an eye and walked up the carpeted stairs. She went to her dresser and took out some summer pajamas, t-shirt, shorts. Her toothbrush was already out when she got to the bathroom.

She entered her bedroom with fresh breath. Her window was cracked open, the smell of the orchid trees outside blew into her room, which she loved. One night she had woken up to that smell, and the smell of rain. It was a thunderstorm, she sat by the window and watched it for hours at her old house. Her bed was made and she made her way to it and got under the covers, turned her lamp off and closed her eyes.

"Seriously? Your really gonna do this?" A man said from behind him which made him shudder, his voice was sharp which made him anxious sometimes because it sounded like his fathers.

He turned around "why wouldn't I? I feel like I'm being drawn to her, it's strong too" he replied.

"I don't know Francis, she seems, different. And besides she just moved there, her mother is very speedy too, making the bedrooms and bathrooms and even the living room within five days. Give her a break man".

"Shut up, and besides, it's not like I'm gonna touch her. Just watch her, see what she's like."

"That doesn't seem like you, are you ok?"

"Just go back to the ark Michael, I got this" Francis was already annoyed with his brother, his annoying little brother.

"Don't think that mom's not watching you" he went to the teleporter.

"You obviously don't know me, I made sure she can't and I'm sure she won't" he laughed.

"Right, because she fears that your like dad and you'll hurt her too" Michael had gotten defensive when Francis disrespected their mother.

Francis; with one swift move, pushed his brother against the wall. His hands strongly firm on the other boys shoulders against the wall "you have no idea what he was like, don't you ever say that I'll be like him" he let his brother go, still furious.

"Look I'm sorry that he traumatized you for the rest of your fucking miserable life but you don't need to be a jerk to everyone around you. Go watch your girlfriend, I'll make sure mom can't watch" Michael pushed past Francis and teleported him. Francis growled, then flew to the girls house.

Jocelyns alarm clock had woken her up. She tried to turn it off which bugged her and the sound was annoying, she threw it across the room and it stopped. She groaned as she sat up and stretched, then got out of bed and got dressed.

There was something uneven though, besides the clock probably broken across the room. She shrugged it off and quietly walked down the stairs, got her shoes on and her backpack ready. Her meds waited for her in the medicine cabinet by the fridge. She took them and ate breakfast.

Something echoed in her head from a dream she had, of someone watching her. Quiet and still. She had sat up "who are you? What do you want?" She asked him, but he disappeared and that's where she woke up.

She kept her dreams to herself, she had nightmares a lot and her mother was getting ready to call her a sociopath. Doctors just said that she was a child and it happens.

"Jocelyn? Is that you?" Her mother said behind her.

Jocelyn had forgotten that the only light on was above the stove "yeah mom it's me, sorry if I woke you" she said.

"Nonsense, you better get going, keys are at the end table by the couch in the living room" she pointed.

Jocelyn kissed her mother on the cheek, grabbed the keys and left. She quickly fixed her hair when she got to school since she was always early for school. "No fucking way!" A shrieking voice said behind her as she finished drinking water from the water fountain. It was her second day of school and all her old friends had already met her, but nothing could get rid of that annoying voice.

She turned around "hey Hannah" she tried to sound excited but she was tire and grumpy, not a morning person but she hugged her anyway.

"Oh my god when did you get here?"

"Yesterday, it's been forever since I saw you although you text me all the time" she replied. Hannah understood Jocelyn and was her bestfriend.

"Sorry I didn't see you yesterday, I didn't even know you were coming back" Hannah pushed her curves bangs back to the side. Her hair was emo, but her fashion style was punk-ish with converse shoes. She was beautiful though, a girl like her wouldn't be single for long with her awesome personality.

"Yeah, I kinda just kept it to myself. I didn't wanna draw attention" Jocelyn finished drinking water and started to walk to her first class.

"It's not drawing attention when an old friend is coming back to school! Don't be silly" she giggled and followed her.

"Ugh, is Alec still coming here? And Dustin?" She groaned.

"Yup, both still here. We've only had like three people leave including you, and we got like five new people" Hannah ate a cereal bar.

"What you didn't miss me?" a boy said behind them. Jocelyn turned around, it was her old bro Shawn.

"Oh my god Shawn! I thought you moved!" Jocelyn exclaimed and hugged him.

"I did, parents divorced so I live with my mom and my dad. My dad lives in Texas so I stay with him during the summer, if I want" he replied with a bright smile. His smile always made her blush but now she didn't since he and Hannah were dating.

"Yeah yeah so cool, babe we should go to class" Hannah said. He nodded and Jocelyn followed them. They talked so much about how much they've gone through over the years.

"Yeah, Alec is dating Talia. She's weird though, she pushes him around but he doesn't seem to mind much really. Their kinda cute together though, Talia says that Alec treats her like no one has before and he's actually really sweet" Hannah said fixing her sweater.

Jocelyn thought that the rest of the school day was great, she ate with all her old friends. She became friends with them and got all their numbers, she had a great time and knew that this year in highschool would be awesome.

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