Chapter 1

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[Harry's POV]

I shook my head of hair as my curls flopped all around. I stopped, then swept them to the side; my signature look. I didn't want the kids to tease me again for my curly hair so I grabbed my favorite gray beanie and pulled it on; my curls sticking out, covering my forehead. Usually I would reveal my forehead whenever I wear a beanie, but I didn't have clear skin, and I hated getting picked on for it.

I sighed and opened my room door, grabbing my backpack and binder from the hallway floor and walked downstairs quietly, careful not to wake Austin, my step monste- er, dad.

"Morning, Harry." Sofia, my younger sister, chimed from the bar stool as I entered the kitchen. She was munching on cereal when I walked by.

"Morning, beautiful." I kissed the top of her head, and opened the refrigerator.

I pulled out a bottle of water and grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl on the counter. I put the banana in my book bag, in the corner, so that it didn't get mushed by my books.

"Sof, hurry up. The bus is gonna be here soon." I sighed as I put on my long black coat by the door.

She nodded frantically, and slurped the milk in her bowl before rushing to the sink. She placed the bowl in there and ran to get her coat. With her coat on over her cotton jumper, she could hardly get her small back pack on. I chuckled at her cuteness and fail attempts. Then I went over and helped her get her arms through, before grabbing her hand and walking out the door.


Once I hopped off the school bus, I waved bye to my sister as she walked in the direction to the primary school building, as I headed to the high school portion.

Our school was huge. It consisted of 3 buildings. The primary school building, which is what American's would call... elementary? And then we have high school building, which is where I am. Then we have the sixth form building. Which is where university preps are. They prepare for uni, before actually going.

I was on my way to meet Niall, my best friend, over by the school parking lot like I have been doing for about 10 years.

Me and Niall have a good friendship. He is 18, a year older than me, but acts like an 8 year old. We were neighbors for about 9 years, but his mum got remarried so he had to move all the way across town, which meant I had no one to hang out with after school. Which meant I had no reason to go outside. Which meant i was stuck in the house alone for a year now.

Niall and I would ride our skateboards, play x box, and do things other normal teenagers do. Whenever I'm with Niall, he brings the best out of me. I'm not shy around him, and I can do anything. We tell each other anything, and do anything in front of each other. Whenever I had to cry, I would sneak out my window and climb up the rose ladder to his window. And we'd spend all night talking, eating snacks, and watching movies til I fell asleep or til the sun came up. Once he moved away, that privilege was stripped from me.

I had no one.

I spotted my best friend leaning on the metal fence, in his signature pose: Legs crossed at the ankles, right hand stuffed in his pocket, left hand scrolling on his phone.

"More reading?" I snorted, kicking his shoe.

His head snapped up to meet mine.

"Took ya long enough!" he exasperated, stuffing his phone in his pocket. "Bus late again?" He asked, taking my binder from me, like he normally does when he see's me.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Snow jam in the middle of the main road." I rolled my eyes. "But that's November for ya." 

We began walking and talking, heading towards the senior gathering hall. It's where all the students in your class gather until the bell rings when it's raining or snowing horribly in the courtyard, the normal waiting area. So the entire senior class would be there.

"Yeah, my mom woke me up late. So i had to rush to drive over here." He chuckled.

"Ya know, I don't know why you had to keep the old address, Niall." I shook my head. "You moved, you should change it."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"I keep telling you, Harry. If I did that, then I'd have to change schools. The area that I live in isn't zoned for Bark Hills Academy, so I'd have to go to-"

I cut him off.

"Saint Clairetha. The catholic one."

Niall nodded, and groaned, opening up the door or me. Niall was a gentlemen. Not only to women, but guys too. No, he wasn't gay. In fact, he's dated more girls than I have. Even kissed more girls than I have. He was just naturally respectful and polite. Teachers think he's trying to hit on them for extra credit. He's not, he's trying to help out. That's why I love him.

"Yeah, and I don't fancy their uniforms. These ones are at least more decent." he said, picking at the fabric of his jumper.

"Plus," Niall added, as we went to find our usual spot to sit. "That'd mean I was leaving my best mate behind with all these dickheads, and I don't want to do that." he smiled cockily.

I smirked when we went to sit down in the corner like we always do. Everything about this morning is typical. We do this everyday. Except for one thing that's out of whack.

Liam Payne is here, sitting across the hall with his other friends of douche bags. I couldn't stop staring, until he searched the room and his eyes locked on mine. His smirk faded, and his eyes darkened.


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