Chapter 18

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Liam is crazy! He says he knows where Austin is! I don't want him getting hurt, though! This has taken a turn for the worse. Liam is too special to lose. I just got him, and I'm not losing him.

Currently, we were driving somewhere unknown.

"Liam." I said sternly. "Liam! Where are you going?"

He sped faster.

"He's hanging out at the Green Dragon pub over in the London square." he slurred with such hatred on his tongue.

I wanted to put a hand on his shoulder, to at least calm him down, but I was afraid that he'd get mad. So, instead, I sat back; waiting until we reached the Green Dragon.


We smelled the place from down the street. Not to mention the sign has a green and black evil dragon, with it's tail swirling around the "R" in "DRAGON". The neon sign in the window blinked on and off reading "IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT". Civilians wandered the streets, visiting the local shops and stands in the marketplace. Too many witnesses around. Liam better not do anything stupid out here.

Liam parked on the side of the street and pulled the emergency brake up so that it didn't go anywhere. Before openeing the door, I grabbed his wrist. He snapped his head to look at me.

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