Chapter 3

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[Harry's POV]

I woke up in the nurses office shirtless. I had an ice pack on my head and mid-section. I tried to sit up, but my bruised stomach told otherwise. I groaned, and a nurse was at my side.

"Oh, careful, love." She smiled warmly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I looked into her eyes, and saw care. She couldn't legit care for me. No one does besides Niall and Sofia.

"How'd I get here?" I asked her.

She put a hand on my bare chest, ignoring my question.

"Chest cold." She said as she wrote something down on her clipboard.

So you're just gonna ignore me like that?

"Um, ma'am?"

She looked over at me with eyes asking "Can I help you?".

"How did I get here? Cause the last thing I remember is laying in the snow."

She looked in the corners of her eyes for a second, then got her answer.

"Oh! Your friends brought you in." she went back to writing on her little board.

I nearly choked on air.


"May I see... th-them?" I asked politely.

She nodded.

"If you can stand up alright, yes you can." she got off the bed. "They're in the waiting room."

She went to her computer and started tapping the keys, still talking to me.

"Your shirt and jumper are over there, and your blonde friend has your coat. I'm sure they'll explain everything to you."

She explained as I put on my things.

"Oh, Mr. Styles." she called before I left the room.

I turned to her, slipping my red jumper over my head, sticking the collar out.

"Yes, ma'am?"

She came over to me, and placed a hand on my forehead.

"You are ill with a cold from laying out in the snow with your head exposed for that long." she sighed and handed me a slip of paper. "That's your nurses pass to leave school. You better get home and get some rest." she smiled.

I nodded.

I can't go home.

"I will. Thank you." I smiled.

She nodded and went back to her computer. I walked down the hallway until I came to the waiting room. I saw my best mate and Liam.

He was crouched over in his seat, elbows on his knees, head down. Niall stood up, causing Liam to look up. His eyes met mine again, and this time, he smiled. And not his signature half smirk. No this was a full smile. I smiled back, but slightly.

Niall was standing in front of me.

"Here's your coat." he handed me my coat, and took the paper out of my hand.

He read the note out loud as I slipped on my coat. I'm trying to ignore Liam as much as possible.

"You have a cold." Niall snorted. "I'll drive you home." he sighed, reaching for my arm to guide me out of the nurses office, but I didn't move.

He looked at me confused, and I was looking at Liam.

"Mate, lets go." Niall chuckled. I sighed and went with him.

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