Chapter 11

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[Harry's POV]

I had Zayn and Josh dragging me by my upper arms down the corridor. Louis was leading the group. Olly and Ed were walking behind us. You could hear the echo of our shoes throughout the empty hall. I tried my best to fight back, but we all know that I'll lose. Louis had stopped at the intersection. He looked left, then right, before deciding on going left.

"Get off of me." I growled, trying to escape Josh's grasp. I didn't bother trying to get out of Zayn's hold because I knew he was way stronger than I was.

Josh elbowed me in my ribs to shut me up. I groaned and hung my head down as they continued dragging me. We eventually stopped at the boys toilets. Louis opened the door and smirked after.

"This is our stop." he winked at me, before he grabbed my shoulder and threw me inside. I hit the wall infront of the entrance and hit the ground with a thud. The guys all came inside and Ed locked the door. Why did the builders of this school insist on putting a damn wall in front of the door!?

"Now," Zayn pulled me, by my collar, up to my feet. "We said there would be consequences for showing up."

Louis nodded, removed his blazer, and started rolling up the cuffs of his shirt.

"Ya see," he started off, still rolling up his cuffs and sleeves. "Liam has been my best mate for 13 years. Now all of a sudden, you two have become the best of friends, hangin out and whatnot. Then, I come to find that he's been cutting out on us for your little play dates," then he kneed me in the gut, sending me in an upright fetal position. He bent down and whispered in my ear. "Call me a jealous lad."

I groaned when Louis stiffened me up. "I ALSO, don't appreciate the little sleepovers and homework tutoring sessions that you two have-"

"We haven't HAD a sleepover, idiot." I interrupted. The other boys "oohed" and Louis smirked. I immediately regretted my decision because Louis fist came across my jaw.

"You may not want to speak anymore of those smart remarks, little one," Josh smiled cheekily.

"Basically, we don't want you stealing our football mate from us anymore." Olly summed up for me.

"Oh!" Ed jumped in. "And we don't want you anywhere near us or our last year in this hell," he added.

"Liam wanted to," I choked out. "He insisted I enjoy my last year."

Zayn threw me into the wall, and my back cracked once it came into contact with the harsh paved brick. I slid down the wall.

"So then you should have said no, you dumbass!" Josh mused, as if what he said were obvious.

I shook my head.

"I wanted to." I smirked, as I stood up. You'd think that I'd learn my lesson of talking back after countless beatings over the course of the years I've known these guys. That I'd learn when to stop arguing, and just accept the pain. But, I refuse to go down without a fight, even after years of pitiful torture.

Louis smiled. He exchanged looks with the other guys. Soon after, his fist slammed into my stomach sending me to the cold tiled ground in a shriek. Zayn kicked my knee, sending a sharp pain throughout my entire leg. It's gonna be hard to walk after that. Each of the guys took turns hitting me. I could've sworn I started to see specks of black here and there. I was slowly losing my vision. A piercing ringing sound erupted throughout my ears and I began to grow dizzy. My head felt like it had been smashed on the ground like a giant watermelon. My eyes started falling, and I eventually stopped fighting back. My hands, that were previously covering my face, had dropped. My whole body exposed to the fight. The hits just kept coming. But, as I began falling out of consciousness, I didn't feel much. The punches and kicks felt like light taps, now. My whole body grew numb and, soon, I felt nothing. I just waited until I knocked out; put an end this madness.

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