Chapter 22

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Last chapter. It feels like I only started this story yesterday. Time goes by so fast. Happy New Years (:



[Liam's POV]

I looked at my outfit, which was laid out on my bed. I am excited for tonight. I'm so happy that I'm going with Harry. I'm just thankful that I met him. My life is now complete. Actually, no it's not. It will be complete once his last name becomes Payne. Or mine become Styles. I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it I suppose.

"Mate." Josh called me. I turned to look at him. "Can I wear this?" he joked from inside my closet, holding up a Batman costume from 2 years ago.

"Knock yourself out." I chuckled. He laughed and came out of the closet, closing the door. I looked at my outfit again until Louis started laughing from where he was sat on my bed.

"What?" I frowned.

He shook his head. "You're staring at your clothes as if they're going to move. Just put them on already. We're all dressed and ready to go." He gestured to the other boys crowded in my room. Ed and Olly were leaning on the wall by the door. Josh sat at my desk. Zayn and Louis were laying down on the bed with their heads against the headboard. I groaned.

"Fine!" I sighed, picking up my things and about to go to the bathroom before Zayn laughed. I turned around and he said "Dude, we share a locker room. What do you have to hide, that we haven't seen?"

"Yeah, Payno." Olly added. "The Payne Train aint got nothing to hide anyway." He joked, earning laughs from everyone else. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off before making my way to the bathroom to get changed.


"Guys!" I yelled up the stairs. "Hurry up! It's 6:58!" I warned, fixing my tie. Louis and I had matching ties. I guess it's a best friend thing. Soon, the boys all came downstairs. I gazed up at them. "WAIT!" I stopped them, pulling out my phone. "Let me take a picture of my stunning boys!" I mocked a mother as I took pictures of them on the stairs.

"Alright, now me and Liam." Louis said, handing my phone to Zayn. We posed as the photo was taken. Once, we all had our pictures, we left to head to Harry's.

[Harry's POV]

Today, May 25th, is my first and last prom. It's the night where I get to dance, hangout with my friends, and just forget all of my worries. Wow. I can now actually say that I have friends; plural. Not just Niall. My life couldnt get any better. I have an astounding boyfriend, a beautiful and happy sister, and a best friend who I'll love forever. It's such a good feeling that I can just leave the house, have a good time, and not have to worry about coming home to a beating.

It's such a sad world that we live in. But, thanks to Liam, I no longer have a reason to be afraid. Nor do I wake up in the middle of the night in sweat and tears, fearing that my life will be over. I now have a reason to smile. His name is Liam.

"Harry?" a soft voice came from the other side of my room door. "May I come in?" Sophia asked.

I wasnt fully dressed. I had on my black slacks and my white shirt was unbuttoned. Nonetheless, I unlocked the door for her to come inside. She walked in and saw me. A smile lit up her entire face. I blushed.

"Does it look bad?" I asked, suddenly getting nervous.

She shook her head side to side. "You look dashing." She beamed. "But I'm more smiling at the fact that you're smiling."

I looked at the ground. Sophia walked up to me and lifted my face, though she was shorter but not by much. "Harry, don't be so nervous." She whispered. I nodded. She was right after all. I don't know why I'm so nervous. It's just prom night.

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