Chapter 5

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[Play the song "Words" by Skylar Grey when I say to okay? ;)]

[Harry's POV]

 Uh-oh. Liam just saw me spying on his photo frames. I'm not a creeper! I swear! I was simply curious as to who the guy in the photo was and why he was holding hands with Liam. Theres nothing worng with being gay. I am. But then again I get picked on. But Liam is loved and popular. So it'd be acceptable. Just not to a dork like me.

I didn't take notice that he was just standing by the stairs, hands in his pockets looking cuter than ever.

You know you love him, Harry. You have ever since year 9, you freak.

I shoved my conscience away from my mind. I looked over at Liam and his eyebrows were raised. He looked at my body, which was laying down on the couch, before loking back up at my face. I was about to speak, until I sneezed. Liam chuckled. Why does he like my sneeze so much? It's not adorable or anything.

"I'm not mad." he shook his head and walked into the kitchen for a brief moment. He came back out holding a glass of water and a tiny ounce cup of a sticky red substance.

"Here." he handed me the cup and placed the water on the center coffee table. He also had a small cup of ice cubes.

I sniffed the cup and grimaced. Liam noticed and sat on the edge of the table, waiting for me to chug the small cup. I looked at him pleadingly, and he shook his head softly saying "No, you have to."

"Before you take that," he put his arm out expecting me to get an ice cube. "suck on an ice cube. It'll-" he gestured a flowing motion but couldn't fine the words. "...numb your taste buds so you wont taste the medicine."

I looked at him skeptically. How does he know so much? But, I did put the ice cube in my mouth and swirled it around until it melted. It froze the inside of my cheeks as well as my tongue. Then I put the cup to my lips before shoving it away from me.

"How come you know all of this nurse and care stuff," I asked, looking at him curiously.

Liam gave me a tired look. "You forgot that I had a mother once, yeah?" He shook his head.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh no, I thought a stork may have dropped you off on your parents doorstep one, chilly night," I replied, with just a tad bit more sarcasm than expected.

Liam laughed. "Funny."

I smiled when I remembered that I heard him say he had a mother. What happened to her?

"Liam," I spoke, my smile fading quickly. "Where is your mum?"

He stayed quiet for a few seconds. Had I struck a nerve? Soon, Liams face went from stone to tranquil.

"Everything is fine."

I nod.

"Sorry," I apologize. "I didnt mean to pry." By then, the ice had completely melted.

Liam waved it off and handed me the disgusting poison they call medicine. I gave him a look of distaste.

"Come on. Just chug it quickly." he looked to his left before looking back at my reluctant face.

I rolled my eyes, and threw my head back slamming the cold medicine. After I did, I felt the disgusting "cherry" flavored taste linger in my mouth. The ice thing didn't work. The after taste was horrid! Do these people know what fruit tastes like?!

Liam noticed my displeased face and shook his head.

"Had a feeling it wasn't going to work." He reached for the water beside his bum on the corner of the table. The ring on his index finger making a light clinking noise against the glass. "That's what this is for."

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