The Beginning of the End

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"Lana! Hurry the fuck up" Daryl hollered from the living room.

"I'm coming!" I shouted throwing my extra ammo into my bag, along with any food I had hidden from my husband. I ran down stairs and grabbed all the knives that were of any use in the house and either threw them in my bag or sliding them into my belt. I turned around and saw Daryl throwing the small amounts of food into a bin bag. I fished some plastic bottles out of the bin and filled it with water from the sink.

"Where is Merle?" I asked while forcing the bottles into my now very full back pack

"Out back with my truck... He's trying to get that damn bike started" He huffed grabbing his cross bow and exiting through the back door. Finally I grabbed my shot gun and headed out back just behind my lover.

"Come on baby girl les go!" exclaimed merle who was standing beside a now running bike

"I'm coming!" I shouted walking over and throwing my bag and gun into the truck and hopped into the passenger seat. Daryl jumped in beside me and started the truck. Just after the motor bikes engine roared to life. He looked over to me worried. I smiled and he returned the gesture.

"Where we headed?" I asked bringing my knees up to my chest and hugging my legs.

"quarry... Where we got married" I nodded and stared out the window.


When we reached the quarry we noticed an RV and several tents posted around the top and best spot

"for fuck sake" Daryl growled as we drove up the road to the camp we planned on occupying. When we pulled to stop at the entrance a large man wearing a plain black shirt with high-waisted brown trousers stood in front of Daryl's truck holding onto a shot gun slightly smaller than mine.

"What can I do for you folks?" he asked as Daryl and Merle walked in front of the truck

"We were looking for a place to stay" Daryl answered in an intimidating voice

"What qualities would you be bringing to the group?" The man answered with a smile

"Merle and I can both hunt... fight, fish, survive" Daryl sighed and put his leg up on the bumper of the car

"And what about the girl?" Asked the man pointing towards me, Merle gave a laugh

"My sister-in-law can pretty much do anything... she was in the navy and the air force... she speaks two languages and is probably a hundred times better than you in every way" chuckled my Merle.

"Is that so... well then welcome aboard... There is a free tent near the RV... you guys can have that... The girl can sleep in the RV with Andrea and Amy" He said pointing towards the two blondes that were now watching on with the rest of the crowd.

" I would rather she slept with us" Daryl chirped up a hint of fear in his voice

"We only have a two man tent" smiled the man

"That's fine... We have coped with less" Merle argued, the man nodded
"Names Shane by the way" with that he walked away. Daryl got to the back of the truck and got out his stuff.

"Lana get your stuff I ain't carrying it!" He yelled as a remained in the car watching the people on the camp

"Yeah I know i know!" I shouted back opening the car door and retrieving my things and following Daryl and Merle to the tent we would share. When I got inside the tent I quickly jumped onto one of the cots

"I call this one!" I yelled and threw my bag in the corner

"I get this one then!" Merle said jumping onto the remaining cot

"Oh fuck you guys!" Daryl whined as he lay down on the floor

"Oh come one baby you can share with me" I whispered sitting back up and poking him in the gut, he swatted my hand away and climbed up beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. Merle stared at us both and then laughed before putting his arm over his head and drifting off to sleep

"I am gonna make some rabbit traps" I finally announced while grabbing some twine and my knife. I walked out of the tent and into the forest. I grabbed some small twigs and then walked back to camp. I took a seat on the log near the camp fire that had not yet been lit. I started sharpening the end of the stick and carving away holes to slide the rope through.

"Hi" someone said suddenly. I looked up to see a short brown haired boy staring at me, he smiled and returned the gesture

"My name is Carl Grimes what's yours?" he asked watching me intently

"Lana... Lana Dixon" I replied, looking back down to my rabbit snare

"What are you doing?" he asked taking a seat beside me

"Making a rabbit trap" I answered abruptly trying to focus on the knot I was tying

"can you teach me?" I looked at him and he looked at me innocently, I nodded and handed him a thin rope and a stick which I had already sharpened and cut holes into. I began to show him where to put the rope and what knot to tie. When he finished I used my hand to represent the rabbit going through the trap and how the rope would get trapped around their neck. He smiled and looked proudly at his work.

"who taught you how to do this?" He asked picking up another stick and attempting to make another

"My dad" I sighed. I had always hated my dad... but he did teach me how to survive...

"My dad is dead" Carl whimpered, I put my arm around him

"Mine too" He looked up to me amazed, and he smiled... this confused me for a moment

"You are the first person that hasn't said something like 'I'm sorry' or 'It's okay'" he said with a laugh, I laughed awkwardly and took my arm back finally finishing my traps and throwing them into a bag

"Can I help you sent them up?" I looked at him and thought for a moment... I wouldn't mind taking him... but the group might get angry if I just take him.

"Um... go ask who ever takes care of you" He nodded and ran off into a large tent. After a minute a tall brown haired lady stormed out and looked around. Carl came out also and pointed towards me. The tall woman whom I guessed to be Carl's mother walked confidently over to me

"Who are you?" she asked trying to sound sweet but I could tell she was slightly threatened by my presence. When I was about to answer her question Carl beat me to it

"Her name is Lana mom! She is one of the new ones sleeping in the spare tent" Lori nodded and then looked me directly in the eye

"Take care of my son... If anything happens to him... I will hold you responsible!" with that she turned and left. As we walked through the forest Carl took my hand

"You okay there boy?" He nodded and just held on. I didn't bother shaking him off, I just let him hold on to it

"Here put one here" I announced pointing to a shrub

"Why here?" I sighed and kept walking

"There are rabbit tracks"



"Lana! Daryl! wake up!" Shouted Merle shaking his two companions to wake them. Daryl woke with a start and fell out of the cot where as Lana simply opened her eyes

"what the hell do you want Merle" Lana said in a groggy whisper

"I am going on a run with Blondie, the taco bender, the negro's and the Chinese man" Lana sighed at her brothers racist slurs

"So Andrea, Morales, T-dog, Jacqui, Glenn and you are going on a run" She added, trying to pull up her thin blanket but Merle pulled it back down leaving her to freeze

"That's what I said!" He argued  

"Why the hell do we have to get up if you are leaving?" Yelled the annoyed Daryl

"You guys are going hunting while I'm gone... I'll be back later today but I want you guys gone for at least two days" Lana nodded before rolling over in her cot

"See you later Merle"

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now