Attack on the camp

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When I exited the tent I found that the camp had been over run with walkers.

"Lana!?" Carl whimpered. I turned and grabbed Carl wrapping him into a hug like grab

"Carl just keep looking at me don't look anywhere else! Just at me" I wrapped his arms around my waist and cocked my gun. A walker drew nearer and I shot it in the head, as its limp body fell to the floor another attacked from the right. As its body fell another two approached, I shot both only to have my gun jam before shooting a third. The walker limped itself forward I panicked, I hit it in the face with the butt of my gun. In the mere seconds I had I managed to lift Carl onto my back and pull out my pistol, I aimed it at the walkers head and once again a body fell to the floor. In the corner of my eye I saw a walker approaching Andrea who was completely vulnerable

"Fuck sake" I growled jogging over to her. I placed Carl down beside Andrea

"Nobody move ok!" I shouted taking down the walker and any others that approached. As I was occupied by a particularly large walker another grabbed my hair pulling me backwards

"Lana!" Carl screamed. I shot the walker in front of me but before I could do anything to the one behind me an arrow penetrated its skull stopping just before my face. When the body fell Daryl's face met mine

"Took ya long enough Baby" I breathed as the last walker was shot down by Rick. I gave my husband a passionate kiss and then turned to Carl, who sprang up and hugged me tightly. He wrapped his thin legs around my abdomen. Daryl stared at me as I held the small boy in my arms.

"Carl!" Loris shrill voice echoed in my ears. Carl who had already fallen asleep payed no attention

"Over here!" Yelled Daryl letting her know our location. Lori turned her head to see Carl in my arms. I swear I could see the steam exiting her ears.

Rick reached us before Lori did as his legs were longer. He took Carl from me

"Thank you so much Lana... I owe my life to you" I smiled and looked down. Then Lori approached

"What happened? Is he alright? What did you do?" She almost screamed at me. Daryl stepped in front of me

"My wife saved your boy's life while you were hiding behind Shane" he growled

"You should be grateful" Daryl added. Lori nodded

"Thanks" she turned and walked away with Rick in tow

"Bitch" I muttered. As Daryl walked away I heard a small sniff. I turned to see Andrea huddled over a body I hadn't noticed before... Amy's body. I didn't speak, that's not what she needed. I sat down on the steps of the RV facing Andrea. She looked up at me

"I need to be the one to kill her" she stated

"Don't let them take her until I'm ready" a single tear fell down her face. I nodded and pulled out my gun. I lay against the door frame of the RV and fell into a very light sleep.

When I woke it was morning. I looked to see Lori talking to Andrea who gave no reaction, she looked to me. I understood that meant 'get rid of her'. I whistled catching Loris attention. I pointed towards the fire. She gave me a disgusted look. I gave my hand a little wave and she left. Then Rick approached...


Rick crouched beside Andrea who raised her silver pistol and pointed it at Rick making a small click noise

"I know how the safety works" there was another click

"Me too" Andrea looked over to see Lana's gun in her face

"Why help him?" Andrea hissed

"He's Carl's father" Lana growled back. Lana stood, her gun still pointed at Andreas head. Andrea lowered her gun and so did Lana

"This deal we had is done... I don't care what happens anymore... I ain't gonna protect a dead girl" Lana walked away and joined Carl at the picnic table

"What ya doin'?" Lana's thick southern accent was very clear and Carl was almost surprised by her sudden attempt to be talkative

"Something boring" he answered looking back at his book. Lana looked at the book, laughed and took it from him

"Hey!... What are you doing?" She smiled

"Finishing this so we can do something fun" she giggled slightly before catching herself. She closed the book shut and handed it to him. Carl smiled before standing and thrusting the book into his bag. Lana took his hand and was about to pull him towards the lake when a gunshot sounded. Lana flung herself in front of Carl and snapped her head towards the location of the sound . Andrea had shot Amy...


I sighed and continued to pull Carl down the dirt track

"Dale! We are going down to the lake!" I hollered. Dale heard me and nodded.

"Race ya" I whispered and took of running

"Hey not fair you had a head start!" Carl yelled as he ran after me. I reached the water and stopped for a breath, when Carl caught up he did the same

"You could have at least let me win" he pouted

"Then how would you know you've improved?" He sighed and nodded before sitting down. I sat beside him and we stared out at the water for what felt like hours but must have been minutes

"Carl!" Shouted Lori, the one woman here that I hate more than Shane

"What?!" Carl shouted back, clearly angry with the disturbance

"We are having a funeral for Amy come on!" She yelled in response. Carl turned to me

"Are you going?" I sighed

"Only if you are" he nodded and we both stood. We began to walk towards Lori, who reached out her hand to Carl, but was rejected as Carl slipped his hand into mine. I couldn't help but smirk as we walked away from her following the rest of the group towards the mass grave site Jim had been digging. As Andrea lay Amy into the unmarked grave Carl held my hand tighter and leant his head against my arm.

"What do we do now?" He whispered

"Pray that we don't end up in a hole too"

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