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We sat around the campfire like any other dysfunctional family. We made jokes. Laughed. Passed around food and whispers.

"Just like mom used to make."I heard from someone but my thoughts where to preoccupied with our surroundings. I focussed on the perimeter. My eyes scanned the walkers; where they grouped together; what was attracting them to that spot; where we would need to reinforce.

"Tomorrow we'll put all the bodies together. Want to keep them away from that water." Glenn spoke catching my attention. I looked over to him to see he was speaking directly to me. I nodded and looked down at my still full plate. I remembered Daryl still had no food. I looked over to the plate of meat left out for him and then back to mine which hadn't even been touched.

"Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water." T-dog added

"The soil is good." Hershel contributed

"We could plant some seed. Grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans." He looked through his bag calling out the seeds we had collected on a run some time ago

"That's his third time around.
If there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now." Lori breathed silently to me. I looked over to Rick who at that moment was pulling on a certain part of the fence.

"This'll be a good place to have the baby. Safe." I announced slightly louder than intended she nodded as I stood collecting Daryl's plate and heading down to the capsized bus we used to block the main entrance. As I neared him I poured the contents of my plate onto his and hid my plate under his.

I stopped in front of the bus, my mind calculating how I would climb it.

"Need help?" Daryl grunted looking down at me his blue eyes shining in the moon light. I nodded and he lay flat on his stomach reaching down for me. I gave him my free hand and used his strength to help me walk up the side of the vehicle. When I reached the top I sat down with my legs swinging over the edge hanging just above a lone walker growling and scratching against the blockade.

"It's not much, but if I don't bring you something, you won't eat at all." I handed him the plate and he looked down at the abundance of food. He looked back up at me

"Have you eaten?" I nodded but he clearly saw through my lie. He tried to hand me back the plate but I refused to take it

"For every two you eat I'll eat one" I said. He sighed and nodded taking a seat beside me

"I guess Little Shane over there has got quite the appetite." He grumbled handing me my piece of meat

"Don't let Rick hear you say that" I scolded him as he chuckled

"Rick's gotten us a lot farther than I ever thought he would, I'll give him that." I lay down staring up at the sky. The stars shone brightly down on us and the moon seemed to be brighter than ever before

"Shane could never have done that." I said quietly thinking of the world that Shane might have forced us to live in. A sudden pain in my shoulder caused me to gasp and sit up holding on to it.

"What's wrong?" Daryl asked alarmed

"It's that damn rifle. The kickback. I'm just not used to it, I haven't used one that big since the army and even then it hurt like a bitch" I groaned trying to rub it

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now