My Gurl

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"Right now the only ones we got that can actually shoot are me, you Lana and Daryl, But the only ones with actual training is just us three, so how 'bout we teach everyone else to... the same way we were taught" Shane said to rick as we stood around a truck with guns and ammo on the bonnet

"Sounds good, you up for it Lana?" Rick questioned, looking at me with a kind hearted expression

"I wanted to stay with Daryl and take care of him but... he says i should get out and do something... so yeah i guess i'm in" i thought aloud. Rick nodded and bellowed over the camp

"We are gonna be doin' gun training today, any one that wants to join meet back here in ten minutes!" people nodded in acknowledgement and continued about their business. About five minutes later some of Hershel's people approached us along with Aidan.

"We'd like to join you for gun training today." One of them announced. I looked to Aidan. He had received Training in the air force but he didn't get much practice while being an engineer.

"Hershel's been very clear. I can't involve any of you in what we do without his okay." Replied Rick with a stern look

"He doesn't like it, but he consented." Aidan added looking between me and Rick

"Otis was the only one who knew guns. Now that he's gone, we gotta learn to protect ourselves." He was right after all. I couldn't help but notice at the mention of Otis' name Shane seemed to flinch. I stared for a while until he noticed me.

"No offense, but I'll ask Hershel myself." Rick said with his hand slightly raised and his face screwed up, his eyes squinting due to the sun.

The later it got the more people gathered to be trained. Rick had been given the go-ahead from Hershel to train his people. We led the group out into a field that was deemed far enough a way from the farm to not draw any attention to it. We lined every one up and gave them all a total of six cans to aim for. Aidan left after about an hour and headed towards the house probably to change Daryl's bandages. Carl was doing extremely well and after Shane left with Andrea I was tasked with looking after him. I had been training him in secret and clearly it had payed off. He missed barley any shots and was quite confident with the gun. He stood with his arms out straight practicing different positions to shoot from. I smiled over to him when i noticed a figure approaching. It was Aidan. When he reached me he stopped

"Daryl vuole che tu mi prenderò qui" (Daryl wants you, I will take over here)

I strode towards the house and into its brightly light hallways. Up the stairs and the the first door on the left, the room Daryl was loaned until he was feeling better. I knocked on the mahogany doors

"Who's there?" Daryl's thick southern accent wafted through the door

"Boo" i giggled putting my hand on the door gently and my other on the door knob which was cold and made my hand tense

"Boo who?" he laughed back. I smiled as he fell for my stupid joke. I opened the door and put on a sympathetic face

"Oh baby don't cry I'm right here"

"ughhh oh god hun i hate your shit jokes" he smiled and patted the bed beside him. I climbed into the bed and lay beside him careful not to touch his broken body

"I ain't made o' glass... you can sit closer that that" i sat slightly closer setting my hand delicately on his chest. All of a sudden he linked his arm under my back and rolled me on top of him. Now straddling him i was able to look into those beautiful blues eyes i fell in love with all those years ago.

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now