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Daryls POV

"There ain't nothing out here but mosquitoes and ants." i grumble at my brother as the sweat beats down my back.

"Patience, little brother." he responded in his usual smug voice

"Sooner or later, a squirrel is bound to scurry across your path." he finished. i scoffed before continuing

"Even so, that ain't much food."

"More than nothing." he looked over his shoulder at me

"I'd have better luck going through one of them houses we passed back on the turnoff." i said pointing behind me

"Is that what your new friends taught you? Hmm? How to loot for booty? " he looked disapprovingly over his shoulder . i was about to reply with some stupid remark but instead i replied with

"We've been at it for hours." i took a breath before continuing

"Why don't we find a stream, try to look for some fish?" i quizzed

"I think you're just trying to lead me back to the road, man." he smiled

"They got shelter. Food. A pot to piss in. Might not be a bad idea." i confessed

"For you, maybe. Ain't gonna be no damn party for me. especially after what i did to your little pals" i growled remembering the words carved into lanas back

"Everyone will get used to each other."i hissed

"we don't have to worry about woodbury. They're all dead."

"How can you be so sure? Right about now he's probably hosting a housewarming party where's he gonna bury what's left of your pals."the thought of lana as a walker crossed through my mind. i decided not to think of that and suggested something else

"Let's hook some fish."

Lana POV

Every part of my body hurts. My back and face the most. Hershel told my that my face and neck should heal fine with thin scars at most. And i cant say i'm not hoping for that outcome. Aidan stands at the entrance of my cell every now and then but hasn't entered. I don't blame him, epecially after what happened between us. Carl however hasnt left my side. He tends to be in a different position every time i wake up from a slumber.  He started at the door and then moved closer and closer until he was directly beside me in Daryl and i's bed.

Ive tried not to think about Daryl since he left. My brain ant seem to decide wether to be pissed or sympathetic. On one hand Merle is his brother and they have been sperated for what must be a year or more. However on the other hand, I'm his WIFE and he shouldnt have left me here in pain.

"I think it's time i go for a stroll" i say aloud as i sit up slowly feeling all my muscles cry in pain. Carl was fast asleep and Aidan was no where in view so now is probably my best time to escape. i slide out of bed carefully and stumble out of my cell. its mid day yet no one is around. I suppose everyone is doing chores but its still weird not to hear faint gurgling from Judith. i forced myself down the stairs and across the cell block until i was in the main common room. everyone was huddled around a small spot on the floor talking quietly so no one noticed me enter

"Now you said you found Tyreese's group here?" i couldnt quite determine who was speaking so i just snuck closer


"We secured this."

"He thought he came through here.Means there's another breach."

"Okay.The whole front of the prison is unsecure.If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men." finally i was close enough to the group to listen in but i couldnt see past hershel

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now