The well

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"Looks like we've got us a swimmer." Shane announced speaking about the bloated and rotting corpse that swam bellow us in the well T-dog and Dale had planned on getting water out of.

"How long you think it has been down there?" I asked looking and it green and slimy skin. That glistened from the light of our torches

"Long enough to grow gills." Andrea replied covering her nose. I nodded looking over the edge again

"We can't leave it in there. God knows what it's doing to the water." Dale said taking his hat off and wiping his sweating brow. Its times like this i wish Daryl didn't leave to go be a hero. Literally moments before Dale called us all over Daryl and I said our good byes in the form of a heart breaking kiss.

"We got to get it out." Andrea agreed.

"Easy. Put a bullet in its head." Glenn said looking to Shane

"I'll get a rope." Maggie offered

"Whoa whoa, guys. No." I  argued seeing the obvious flaw every one seemed to miss

"Why not? It's a good plan." Glenn whined knowing where i was leading the conversation

"It's a stupid plan. If that thing hasn't contaminated the water yet, blowing its brains out will finish the job." I said indicating and the cobble stone wall surrounding the well

"She's right. Can't risk it." Dale said nodding in my direction

"So it has to come out alive?" Lori asked looking as though she didnt want to have any part in rescuing this monster

"So to speak." Glenn replied with a half-hearted smirk

"How do we do that?" Maggie asked

"We could get some food, and attach it to a rope... Maybe he will go for it" Andrea said. Maggie nodded and ran towards her house before returning with canned ham and two rolls of rope. She attached the ham to one rope and handed it to Shane who gently lowered it into the well.

"He's not going for it." Glenn announced looking defeated

"Maybe 'cause a canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it." I countered

"She's right. There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards. We need live bait." Wait... for once in her life... is Lori agreeing with me? What a heart warming scene... I feel so happy! The only thing that would make me happier in this moment would be... literally anything because i couldn't give a crap

"Like what a cow?" Every one turned to Glenn who was laughing at his own joke. Shane gently put his arm around Glenn

"Like a pizza delivery guy then" He stated defeated. Shane immediately started to tie a rope around Glenn's waist making sure it was as secure as possible. I walked over and began to tie a noose out of the remaining rope handing it to Glenn once i was finished

"You will be fine." I said avoiding eye contact

"With you holding the rope I'm sure i will" We both laughed as he climbed over the edge of the well with Shane's help

"Have I mentioned that I really like your new haircut? You have a nice shaped head." I giggled at Glenn's compliment towards Shane

"Don't worry about it, bud. We're gonna get you out of here in one piece." Shane comforted

"Living piece. That living part is important. Nice and slow, please. " Glenn added

"We got you." I promised as he was slowly removed from my sight into the dark chasm that was the well

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