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"Okay kid listen, that big guy in the corner... that's Daryl and he will be nice as long as I tell home to be... so why don't you answer the damn question?" Randal's eyes watched Daryl as he sharpened his knife very slowly, taunting Randal with every move

"My group, there is like 30 guys" I smiled at him

"What about women and children, you got any of those?" Randal looked to the floor. I sighed and Daryl taking the sigh as a cue slammed the knife onto the floor making Randal jump up and stutter,

"There's only three women and no children... the women are only there for the men to use... but I don't do that!" Daryl stood and walked behind my crouching form

"What do ya mean 'they use 'em'?" Daryl growled, Randal avoided eye contact but slowly began to speak

"Well when we find girls... pretty girls we take them home and ... use them... like this one time me and the guys where on a run and we found this lil' camp" Daryl and I listened intensely. I hoped for the sake of the young boy in front of me that the story would end differently than I knew it did,

"There was this man and two girls, they were young and very beautiful... the guys they held the girls down and then some others held the dad down and made sure he had to watch... then they did it... the girls were crying and so was the dad... after everyone had a turn on each of the girls we left... didn't even kill em... we just left em there" Randal looked up from the floor and saw Daryl and I's angry and disgusted faces.

"But I-I didn't!" He yelled, Daryl moved me slightly and then brought his knife down hard into Randal's leg. The young boy screamed as blood poured out of his leg. I sighed and stood, Daryl did too but brought his knife with him.

Randal continued to scream but after a short while began to whimper and cry.

As Daryl and I left the small shack on the outskirts of Hershel's farm. As we approached the large White House we were greeted by Lori Rick and Carol.

"Well?" Rick quizzed,

"They got about 30 guys, and if they come lookin the men will be dead and the women will wish they were" Daryl answered

"What did you do?" Carol directed her question to Daryl as the rest of the group joined the conversation

"Just had a chat" Daryl said wiping the blood of his knuckles, I took his bleeding hand in mine

"Lemme see that" I said pulling him to the porch steps.

I looked over his hand seeing a few grazes over his knuckles and small bruises starting to form

"Will I live doc?" He asked smiling down at me. I looked up to him and laughed

"Nah we're gon' have to amputate it" he gave an over dramatic sigh as we heard the rest of the groups arguing grow louder

"Damn... it's a shame that's my good hand" he smirked

"Good for what?" I said laughing to myself

"Oh I think you know" he whispered. My cheeks exploded with a rush of red pigment. Daryl laughed loudly at me until the group seemed to move towards us. We both silenced as they approached. When they reached us Rick announced,

"At the end of today we are gonna have a vote"

"On what?" I asked. Rick turned away from me

"Whether or not we kill Randal... you have the day to make a decision" then he walked away, leaving Daryl and I in awe. We had today to decide the fate of the young boy we just tortured

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now