Won't last long

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"Everything go okay?" I asked as Daryl approached the farm from the tree line

"Fine. Nothing happened." He said wrapping his arms around me, i did the same to him but as my bandaged hands reached his back i felt him tense, A small beer bottle sat in his belt. I plucked it out to see a small  Cherokee rose. i smiled down at it remembering when he gave one to me

"Did you find it?" I asked him, He nodded taking it back

" I was gonna give it to carol... you know tell her the story and i dunno... it might cheer her up" I smiled again and gave him a tender kiss. He took my hand and we walked to wards the RV. When we entered we were greeted by Carol

"I cleaned up. Wanted it to be nice for her." She said when she noticed us. I looked around the Rv and saw that it was spotless

"For a second I thought I was in the wrong place." I smiled at her and watched her eyes drift to Daryl and I's intertwined hand and then over the the beer bottle in Daryl's other hand

"A flower?" She asked looking from Daryl to me not sure who would answer

"It's a Cherokee rose." Daryl spoke his hand tensing around mine as he felt Carols eyes on his

"The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land... on the trail of tears... the Cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much 'cause they were losing their little ones along the way from... exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared." He paused to see if Carol was still listening, she was so he continued.

"So the elders, they um...said a prayer; asked for a sign to uplift the mothers' spirits, give them strength and hope... The next day this rose started to grow right where the mothers' tears fell... I'm not fool enough to think there's any flowers blooming for my brother. But I believe this one bloomed for your little girl." He tenderly placed the beer bottle on the counter.

"She's gonna really like it in here." I added once again looking around. Daryl and I turned to leave as Carol's tears started to spill but her words stopped us

"You two are so kind... you both seemed to me as harsh and rough at first... especially when Rick joined and you dislocated Ed's arm but clearly i was wrong" Daryl and i werent used to so much praise from strangers so we nodded and left.


We all sat around the fire when Rick walked towards us

"Morning, guys. Let's get going." He said. Daryl and I both stood  and began to follow him

"We've got a lot of ground to cover." he added as he stopped infront of a car with the map on its bonnet.

"All right, everyone's getting new search grids today. If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found, she might have gone further east than we've been so far." Rick started as i began to lace p my boots

"I'd like to help. I know the area pretty well and stuff." Jimmy started. I hadn't properly met him yet but i knew Beth and he were married and that he was good friends with Aidan

"Hershel's okay with this?" Rick asked. Jimmy smiled before saying

"Yeah yeah. He said I should ask you."

"All right then. Thanks." Rick asked turning towards the map as i stood straight again, my bootlaces tightened

"Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me. Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse." Shane announced

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now