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"Deer" I whispered, Daryl looked up from the rabbit trap and nodded raising his crossbow and aiming for its chest. I shook my head and indicated for its head but he gave me an angry look and shot. The arrow hit the deer causing it to run in the opposite direction towards the camp.

"Idiot" I growled at Daryl earning a glare from him.

"It saves us carrying it the whole way!" he whispered

"Yeah but now we have to follow it!" We began to track to the deer slowly through the forest, we spotted the deer and once again Daryl took aim for its chest.

"Its head!" I whisper shouted as the arrow was shot and lodged itself in between its ribs. Just as before the deer took off

"God I hate you" I sighed as we began running after it. As the RV came into sight we heard screams... children's screams.

"Carl!" I gasped storming off towards the camp in hopes the small boy is safe in his mothers arms. When we reached the camp we found the camps 'men' beating on a zombie. We stood and watched for a moment until Dale severed its head. Daryl being cocky waltzed over and looked upon the now mauled deer, I followed close behind him and inspected the deer. Daryl shot the head of the walker and grumbled something, that I didn't bother listening to him. I began to cut off the rear leg of the deer, the only part I was sure the infection would not have touched. I stood and walked out of the bush into the main camp area...


Lana exited the bush to find Shane the rude cop holding her husband in a choke hold and a man whom she had never seen before down on his knee and very close to his face talking to him like he was a child. Out of instinct Lana ran at the new man and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and shoving him to the ground and placing her boot on his throat pointing a gun at both him and Shane

"Let him go Shane or I blow your buddy's brain out" she stated flicking the safety off and pulling the hammer down doing the same on the gun pointing to Shane.

Shane resisted and held onto Daryl tighter

"Now" Lana growled, Shane let go of Daryl who got up and dusted himself of before going behind his wife. Lana lowered the gun that was pointed at Shane and turned her vision to the Unknown man

"You better explain yourself" she whispered chillingly bring her boot of his throat but keeping the gun pointed at his head. He nodded and began to speak

"My name is Rick Grimes... I was in Atlanta when your group found me... They were trapped on a roof but Glenn came and got me" at this he nodded towards Glenn who smiled at Lana trying hard to stay in her good books

" we heard gunshots from the roof so we ran up to see who it was... It was Merle, I believe he is Daryl's family"

"Mine too" Lana interrupted causing Rick to realize the full extent of the situation

"Um... He attacked T-Dog so I hand cuffed him to the roof... And left him there" at the end of the sentence Lana put her boot back on his throat and brought her gun within point blank range

"I oughta kill you now Mr grimes"  she hissed placing her finger on the trigger and preparing to pull it... But then a small voice stopped her

"Lana please don't... He's my dad" Carl, the young boy she had grown found of, ran over and knelt beside his father staring into her eyes

"Your only living because of your boy... But I'm warning you if he don't come back alive... You die" with that she put her gun away and walked over to Daryl to hug him. She had noticed Daryl's tears earlier and decided to help him conceal them... There has only ever been one man to make Daryl cry. Lana had never seen her husband cry, but silently she made an oath to never see it again.

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now