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Winter. I used to love the snow and the cold nights. I would cuddle up to Daryl absorbing his warmth as we would watch shitty reruns of Christmas movies and eat pizza. We would drink until we passed out. Then the next morning it would be like rinse and repeat.

But now I hated them. Winter was devastatingly cold especially when we slept in our cars huddled together shivering and trying desperately not to die.

We currently sat in an abandoned theatre that was in pretty good condition. The walls were decorated with a faded blood red curtain and chipped gold paint. Around two hundred seats sat torn and frayed around us. We sat on the stage in silence. Aidan however sat in one of the VIP seating areas towards the left of us. The thick curtain that led to the stairs down into the main foyer were missing behind him, casting an eerie shadow to loom over us.

We hardly ever talked anymore. There was nothing left to say.

I pulled my knees to my chest and sighed getting a glare from Rick. Probably from making the unnecessary sound. I ignored him and tucked my face in between my knees trying to heat myself. A pair of warm arms wrapped around me and I turned to see Carl. I smiled and he returned the gesture. I wrapped my arms around him and we sat there in the uncomfortable silence staring at the floor. Daryl left for a hunt earlier and wouldn't let me go with him because I sprained my ankle about a week ago. It's practically healed completely but he doesn't wanna risk it spraining again. For most of this week he would have to carry me or leave me behind according to Rick who was very angry with me about wasting our time.

He had been completely different since that night after the farm. It must be eight months ago now. Damn. I looked around at how much the group had changed. Not only physically but mentally. Lori and I used to hate each other but now we were practically best friends. Hershel and I used to barely speak to each other and now he's like an uncle to me... I would say father but no body could replace Dale. Glenn and I were friends and now we are siblings. All of us are like family now. Except Rick who refuses to be anything other than angry. When I recall the night he officially became the leader of our once weak group I feel a chill run up my spine. He had killed Shane the night before that and had clearly went insane since then and all we could do was watch. Now he was slightly better. He was getting his humour back but his temper was very fragile and one wrong move set of a bomb like explosion.

"Dad, we need to move again" Carl whispered letting go of me and crawling towards his belongings. Rick looked up from tying his laces to see a walker slowly walking down the aisle of the the theatre. It's pitiful growls echoed through the silent building.

"Lana can you get it?" Rick grunted. I nodded and pushed myself of the edge of the stage walking briskly towards the monster before me. I took out Merle's knife and pushed it into the side of the walkers decaying head. Thick blood poured from the wound as the discoloured beast fell to the floor. A loud bang echoed from the theatre doors in front of us. Everyone raised their weapons. I walked silently towards the door my arms raised with my knife in my hands. As I made it to the thick mahogany door I pushed it open to find the dark and moulded hallway empty as I went to continue Aidan's words sounded

"Guys we've been found" everyone turned there eyes to him. He stood there with two other men one with a gun to his temple and the other aiming a gun at Rick.

"Now listen folks were gonna need you all to co-operate or else pretty boy here ain't gonna be pretty anymore and neither is girly over there" he pointed to me just as two thick muscular arms wrapped around me pinning my arms down to my waist. My knife dropped to the floor and was ignored as I was carried down the aisle before being thrown down in front of the stage. My body hit off the floor as my head hit of the stage.

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now