Good bye for now

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Please no...


I woke up in Daryl's arms just like usual, except this time it felt different... like something terrible was going to happen. I looked around me and noticed it was night.

It was intended by the group that Randall would be killed last night but something happened that they re-scheduled until tonight.

I sat up from Daryl's warm company and crawled out of out makeshift bed putting on pyjama bottoms that belong to Daryl and stepping outside taking my knife with me as I went. As I breathed in the cool night air I heard Daryl dress himself and also crawl out of the tent.

"What are you doing up?" He groggily asked wiping his eyes on his hand before joining me.

"I don't know I just woke up and felt like I needed to be awake because something bad was going to happen." I smiled shyly at him as he wrapped his arms around me. We sat in silence for a few moments until a hoarse scream echoed throughout the farm. Daryl and I took of running. I took the lead as we reached the source and discovered the cause of the disruption in the farms peace. I ran to the walker that was hovering over a body and stabbed it in the skull pulling its now lifeless corpse away. I turned to the victim who was still spluttering and whimpering.

It was Dale.

"No. No. No. No!" I yelled dropping to my knees. His intestines hung limply from his body, his eyes wide with fear. I pushed my hair behind my ears and tried to stop his bleeding in any way I could. Soon the rest of the group joined us.

"We can't move him Rick... he's not gonna make it" Hershel admitted as more tears streamed down my face I looked over him for the last time. He brought his hand up to my face to wipe away a tear and the spluttered,

"I-I will see y-you again sweetheart... good bye f-for now" with that Rick put his gun to Dales head unable to pull the trigger. I took the gun from him and pulled Dales head into my lap holding him gently. I placed the gun to his temple

"Good bye for now" I spoke in English surprising even myself. I kissed his forehead and pulled the trigger.

I had no fear...

I had only pain.


How did it all go wrong so quickly? One second we were all huddled into the house and the next we were surrounded by flames and the walking dead...

I stumble around the field shooting any walkers that got to close. I couldn't see anyone. I was getting tired and quickly. I pulled myself over a wire fence and pushed my self to run farther.

The rumble of a cars engine sounded and I turned to see Lori, Beth and T-dog in a truck. I smiled running round the side of the truck and hopping in the back shooting more walkers. The truck sped off and I watched as the farm slowly shrunk from view.

Lori didn't find Carl either huh?

We drove until night turned to morning. I slowly began to drift off, the thought of never seeing Daryl again ever present in my mind.

Arguing echoed from the front cab of the truck. I sat up and turned to see Lori shouting at T-dog. Their voices were muffled by the glass between us. I unhooked the latch and slid the glass to the side.

"What the hell are you arguing about?" I growled making all three of them jump,

"T-dog won't go back to the highway where everyone will be" I looked from Lori to T-dog, scowling at him.

"Highway, now" he nodded and stopped the car turning it towards the highway. We drove for a few more miles before the highway came into view. I now stood in the back of the truck leaning onto the roof of the cab looking forward at our destination. I saw two figures leaning against a car. One was short and the other tall and muscular. It's either Rick and Carl or Carl and Shane. I'm still too far away to tell. As we got closer I made out the figures to be Rick and Carl. The truck began to slow to a stop as we got as close as we could through the mess of cars.

"Lana!" Carl scream running to the truck. I pushed myself onto the roof of the cab sliding down the window and landing on the ground in enough time to pull Carl into a tight hug, swinging him around. Lori and Rick embraced at the same time. Lori then took Carl into her arms as Rick and I hugged. We had never been very close but after tonight I think we were starting to build a very strong relationship.

A red car approached and Hershel climbed out with Maggie and Glenn. The Greene's dived on each other and Glenn stood their awkwardly before coming over to Rick and I and hugging us both. He then turned to T-dog, and laughed,

"Hey man" the embraced slapping there hands on each other's backs.


Soon enough everyone had arrived except for Andrea, Carol and Daryl.

"We saw Andrea get taken down. She was trying to save Carol" Lori announced as we waited nervously.

"What about Daryl... did any one see him?" I asked looking hopefully around. Everyone avoided my gaze causing a sinking feeling in my stomach to emerge.

"Lana when was the last time you saw him?" I looked to Rick as tears started to form in my eyes.

"When we said goodbye"

*Flash back*

I stood on the porch of the farm house shooting at any and every walker that crossed my path. Soon enough there was a clear passage to the cars. The plan was to drive around killing as many of the dead as we could. I pushed Lori towards a car telling her to look for Carl and that I would do the same, she nodded taking Beth's hand and following T-dog towards a blue pickup.

I continued back to the house only to be grabbed by Daryl. He stared into my eyes as tears started to form

"We meet at the highway" I nodded kissing him longingly

"I won't leave without you!" I yelled as I ran out into the field to start looking for Carl

"I won't leave with out you either!" He roared back shooting a walker nearby

"I love you Hun! Goodbye!" He practically screamed as I disappeared

*flash back ends*

As my tears began to spill over my face I looked down at my body. I hadn't changed since the night before last... the night that I lost Dale...

My hands and shirt were covered in dry blood most of which belonged to Dale. I was barefoot and I still wore Daryl's pyjama bottoms.

"We should go... we need to get somewhere safe before it's dark" Aidan spoke softly. I looked up at him with pain in my eyes

"We can't leave without Daryl and Carol... they are still out there!" I argued. He looked to the floor

"Lana we-" I turned to Rick rage bubbling in my stomach

"I am not leaving with out him!" I screamed barely noticing the loud rumble of a motor bikes engine approaching behind me.

"I don't care how long I have to wait I WILL NOT leave without him!" Tears where now pouring out from my eyes and my arms snaked around my body as I shook silently

"You won't have to" Daryl's coarse voice pierced my ears making me spin around.

He stood before me covered in walker blood with a shaking Carol behind him. My breath hitched and a quiet sob escaped my mouth as I stumbled towards him. His large muscular arms enveloped me in warmth and affection.

"I told you I would meet you here's didn't I?" He grumbled into my ear squeezing me tightly

"And I told you I would wait for you"

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now