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Hershel and i were out side sitting on a bench because we both needed some air. We talked to glenn for a while and then sat down so he could reapply his weird paste to my wounds

"What is this? i have a lot of medical knowledge yet ive never seen this before" i asked him as he replaced the bandage on my eye

"its a secret" he laughed. i smiled at him and noticed rick in the courtyard gardens. i pointed at him, Hershel followed my hand and stood helping me up also

"Rick. Rick. Rick" Hershel called as we caught up to him

"You know I wouldn't have hobbled all the way down here if it wasn't important" he breathed as rick turned to face us. He cringed when he saw my bandages.

"Are you coming back soon? Glenn's on the warpath." i said "Smart as he is, he can't fill your boots." Hershel added
"I'm afraid he's reckless." i agreed

" We need you now more than ever." i finished

"Well, if you're so worried about him, you lead." he mumbled

"What are you doing out here?" Hershel asked

"I've-- I've been-- I've got stuff out here. Stuff." i looked at him confused

"How much longer do you need?" i continued

"I don't know." he looked as though he was about to break into tears

"Is there anything I can help you with?"i began but he interrupted

"I saw something."

"Lori.I saw Lor-- I'm seeing Lori.Look, I know it's not really her.But there's got to be a reason.It's got to mean something, you know." He admitted

"Was it her on the phone?" Hershel asked. clearly i had missed something

"Yeah.Shane, too.And the town."

"Do you see them now? You're looking for them." I asked

"I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"I don't know.Something.There's an answer.I know it doesn't make sense.Well, it does.It can make sense.I mean, I think in time it will make sense."

"Rick? Come on in.You need rest.It's not safe out here."

"I can't.I can't." He started to walk away but the sound of a bullet being fired stopped all of us and caused us to spin towards the source of the sound. in one of the towers closest to the prison a sniper was firing

"Lana take this!" shouted rick i turned just in time to catch a small hunting knife he had. Just then a truck burst through our gate and flipped onto its side walkers started emerging from its rear. The group began to either fire at the walkers or the sniper I myself moved towards the truck pushing its doors closed and locking a few remaining walkers inside. Then i moved towards the the drivers seat. just as i began to approach it a figure dressed all in black leather and a black helmet climbed out and began to run towards the gate. I took a deep breath and through my knife catching the man in the base of the shoulder. i dodged walkers as i ran towards the figure. i ripped my knife from their body and turned them over straddling them with the knife over there now exposed neck. pulling the visor of their helmet up revealing a tan faced young boy probably around the age of 17. A pang of guilt hit me but i ignored it and pressed the knife down hard enough to draw blood

"who sent you?" i shouted

"the governor" he answered terrified

"how did you get your man into the tower?" i asked keeping my voice down as i reminded myself i was surroundd by walkers

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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