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Lana's POV

Aidan stood before me. His hair the same brown mess. His skin the same olive shade. His eyes the same emerald green. Just the way I had left him.

He pulled me into a tight hug and I immediately applied the same amount of pressure. He began to quietly sob into my shoulder.

"I missed you so much Lana" he spoke in barely a whisper. When he released me, his eyes were puffy and red, his cheeks stained with tears

"I thought i was never gonna find you again." He looked to the floor and shifted uncomfortably

"I tried to forget you, So if I found you dead it wouldn't be that hard to deal with" He confessed, still avoiding my gaze. I smiled taking his face into my hands

"ti perdono" (I forgive you) He looked at me and then closed his eyes again smiling

"Well shit" Another voice joined the conversation. Both Aidan and I looked towards the source to find a smiling Daryl. He walked closer to us putting his arm around my waist and taking Aidan's hand into his shaking it.

"Well you made it then huh?" Daryl laughed. Aidan simply nodded, letting go of Daryl's hand

"Ben tornato"(Welcome back) Daryl stuttered. He had never been particularly good at languages but he was able to pick up a few bits of Italian while dating me, although he didn't like to use it because he was worried he would mess up and sound like and idiot. But he always tried his best around Aidan and I, he would never say it in front of Merle though.

I placed my hand on his chest and smiled up at him.

"Thank you Daryl" Aidan spoke,

"It is nice to see you again my friend, is your brother with you?" Aidan's face turned to a worried one. Daryl and Aidan had always gotten along because of the mutual need they had to protect and love me. But Merle and Aidan were a completely different story. Mostly because Merle had the tendency to be very racist and Aidan was of course is another nationality and his skin isn't pale white so Merle wasn't very happy.

"Uh... no he um... went missing" Aidan frowned

"I am sorry to hear that... I know he means a lot to you" Daryl nodded looking at his feet.

"Aidan... I want you to come meet my group" I said breaking the awkward silence. Aidan nodded and Daryl slid his hand from my waist to my hand and we set off up the field.

Once we reached the campsite the group had set up, I started to introduce my brother to people one-by-one. First T-dog, then Carol, Glenn, Lori, Rick, I skipped Shane but pointed him out, Andrea and then finally to Dale

"Hey Dale!?" I hollered up at the RV where as usual Dale was standing guard

"Yes sweet heart?" He called back

"Come down here, I want you to meet somebody" Slowly Dale climbed down the tiny ladder on the side of the RV and made his way over to us. Dale smiled at the unfamiliar face, and then looked to me, waiting on the introduction

"Dale, this is Aidan, My brother" Dale shook Aidan's hand and smiled widely at him

"Aidan, this is Dale, My replacement father" Dale laughed and gave me a short side hug before saying,

"Welcome to the group son, I'm sure you will fit in just fine" Aidan smiled back before replying

"If Lana loves you enough to cal you her 'replacement father' then you deserve more than just a handshake" Aidan opened his arms and Dale smiled hugging Aidan, patting his back gently before the pulled apart

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