Blood, sweat and tears.

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"Only one way to keep you alive. We have to amputate the leg!" I yelled Rick handed me T-dogs axe and I internally screamed. I brought the axe down and on his leg cleanly slicing it in two. Blood poured out of him like there was no tomorrow

"Oh Shit! He's bleeding out." Maggie screamed. I removed my shirt and brought it down to his leg applying as much pressure to the wound as I could

"Duck." I heard Daryl say. And I, like everyone else, brought my head down.

"Holy shit." A voice I didn't recognise gasped. I however focused my attention on Hershel.

"She's fuckin hot as shit" a mans voice spoke and a few footsteps indicated he was trying to get closer

"You stay right where you are and look right at me" Daryl growled

"We need to get him out of here" I said to Rick. He nodded and stood fetching a metal table that had wheels on it. Maggie, Glenn and I all lifted Hershel onto the table and wheeled him out of the room, through the tombs and into the common area. We brought him into my new cell and began to bandage him up wth towels and more of my shirts. Daryl finally agreed to sleeping in a cell when he realised how damn cold the metal floor of a prison could be.

"That's all we can do for now. Carol stay with him and change his bandages every time they soak through. Keep his leg elevated and keep an eye on his pulse. I'll be right back" I said making my way to the common room before realising I still had no shirt on. I ran back to my cell and grabbed another one of Daryl's shirts because all of mine where soaked in blood. I ran back to the common area and entered just as I pulled on the shirt. As I fixed my self I heard numerous whistles coming from the same person. I looked up to see Daryl pointing his gun at numerous prisoners. The one who was whistling stood in front of them all. He had long greasy brown hair and and a thin unkept moustache. He had a few ugly tattoos and a gun sitting uncomfortably in his trousers.

"Well look who joined the party" laughed the prisoner

"Miss hotness" I could feel Daryl's rage from here. I placed my hand on his shoulder feeling his muscles tense and relax over and over.

"What I tell you about keeping your mouth shut?" Daryl snarled stepping protectively in front of me.

"Shut up hick! The lady and I are having a conversation, isn't that right babe" he smirked over at me. I looked over at the rest of the prisoners. Two of them where large with dark skin. One man was short and thin with ginger hair pale skin and a perfectly waxed moustache. He smiled at me when he saw that I was looking at him. The last was the smallest with dark skin and short but unkept hair.

"Why don't you take me to my cell and we can have a little chat about those clothes that your wearing... and maybe you could explain to me why they aren't on the floor" I looked back to him. My face was expressionless. Aidan entered the room and looked over he men.

"What the hell have you done now Lana?" I looked over to my brother giving him no reaction and a disappointed sigh. When I looked back to Daryl he seemed as though the next person to speak would only get a word out before having an arrow lodged in their throat.

"Lana... was just saying she would show me around and maybe we could get down to some freaky-deaky" the prisoner laughed and Daryl growled very low and aimed his crossbow at the mans head

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now