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The surgery was a success... Well kind of... Carl is alive for now, but there are still some shrapnel in his chest and it needs to be removed very soon. It was decided that Otis, the fat man that shot Carl, and Shane would go to a medical school to fetch supplies for the surgery. They have been gone for an hour and it has started to get dark. Lori just got here and as of usual she would rather argue with Rick than check to see if her boy is okay.

"You look tired" the voice of Maggie interrupted my thoughts. I looked up from Carl to see her green/blue eyes staring into my ocean blue ones. I smiled slightly at her before answering

"I am" she set down a glass of juice on the bedside table

"I'm Lana by the way" she nodded


"Maggie... I know... Your daddy talks a lot about you, and your sister" she smiled and began to pick the dirt and blood out of her finger nails

"You got any siblings?" She asked looking at Carl

"one... Brother" she nodded looking back down at her nails

"They still... With you?" I nodded

"no we got separated" she nodded again

"My brother is gone too" she replied finally looking at me

"His name was Sean..." She looked very pained so I thought it best I changed the subject

" you married?" She gave a laugh

"Na I ain't the marrying type... Bethy is married though... To Jimmy" I nodded

"What about you?" I nodded my head and held up my hand showing the small rings

"yeah " I looked back at Carl hoping to see some improvement

"Who's the lucky feller?" I didn't want to say his name so I decided to let's say describe him

"Daryl... we met when i was really young but we didnt start dating until i joined the irforce"

"Air Force huh?"

"Yeah I joined when I was 17 I was just a medic... didnt get to fly nothin' but I know how. My brother joined too... he was adopted you know... he is originally italian He was an engineer he didn't get to fly nothin' either" I smiled

"We got an Italian guy here... He's an engineer too! He mostly takes care of the horses... Sleeps in the stable with them and all"

"You got horses?"

"Yeah we got five of 'em"

"I love horses..." I just whispered this but before our conversation could finish Shane burst through the door supplies in hand...

TIME SKIP (next day/ every one in the group is pulling into the farm)

I couldn't wait to see Daryl again. I heard the bikes exhaust getting closer and closer. Louder and louder. When finally he pulled to a stop I ran towards him

"Lana!" He shouted pulling me into a hug and twirling me around on the spot. We both laughed as he put me back down and gave me a long and tender kiss. His taste lingered on my lips as we separated

"I missed you baby" I whispered into his ear

"Missed you too hun" he whispered back.

When the camp was set up outside Hershel's i decided i would look around, because i didn't really have anything to do without Carl. I was just heading to the barn when i remembered they have horses here. I turned on my heel and headed towards the stable...


Lana entered the stables painfully aware that she was being watched

"Hello?" she asked her voice filled with confidence. She wasnt going to be scared off by a creep watching

"Ciao bellisimo (hello gorgeous)" a mans voice answered in a thick italian accent

"quello che porta alla stalla? (what brings you to the stable?)" Lana laughed at the mans attempt to confuse her

"Sono venuto a vedere i cavalli ... dove sei? (I came to see ther horses... where are you?)" Lana heard the mans laugh and some rustling to her right but when she turned to look at the noise it was just a horse

"Non avevo capito che si parlava italiano ... come hai imparato? (i did not realise that you spoke italian... how did you learn it?)" Lana smiled and looked around

"imio fratello mi ha insegnato ... dove hai imparato a nascondere da un cacciatore? (my brother taught me... where did you learn to hide from a hunter?)" another laugh

"il mio Sorella mi ha insegnato (My sister taught me)" This time Lana laughed

"parli inglese?(do you speak english)"

"Yes i speak perfect english" he replied

"So you said you had a sister... she here with ya'" Lana asked finally locating the man following his dark sillouette as he moved around the stables loft

"No... she is not here... she is with her husband and his brother... what about you?" the man asked, his deep voice slightly familiar

"No he aint with me... he and i got sepparated on the first day" Lana fiddled with the hood of her jacket trying to keep it from falling

"Would you mind taking your hood down so i can see your face?"

"You called me gorgeous... or do you call all the girls that"

"All but one... i used to call my sister-" Lana took her hood down and the man paused

"Sorella (sister)"


"Sorella" i froze

"Lana?" he continued. Suddenly i remembered whom the voice belonged to


Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now