"Get fucked"

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Lana POV

Glenn, Maggie and I were separated clearly, this is evident by the fact I'm alone in a dark room with my hands cuffed to the table I was lying on. The last thing I remember was seeing Merles face as I blacked out.

"My head is fucking killing me" I groan out into the small dark room

"Yeah sorry about that" the voice of the very man that did this to me called out. I flinched slightly.

"Jesus Merle you scared the shit out of me" I hear him chuckle before he walks into view and takes a seat opposite me. He looks more rugged than usual. His hand has been replaced with a metal stump that had a blood stained knife attached to the end of it. He had a short glass with a brown liquid in it. I could tell by his scent that he was already a little drunk

"Where is Daryl?" He almost whispers

"Where am I?" I counter, he slides his drink off the table and lets it fall and smash on the floor. I kept a straight face and looked at him dead in the eyes. He looked away before gritting his teeth and snarling

"I'm not in the mood for your fuckin' games lana, tell me where my baby brother is now or you won't leave this fucking building with a tongue" my eyes widened in shock

"What the fuck did you just say to me? All the chance you had of getting his location outta me has just blown out the damn window." I said sitting back in my chair in anger. He slammed his hand down in the table.

"Tell me now!" He yelled. I felt his saliva hit my face.

"Get fucked Merle" with that he stood sending his chair flying back wards. He charged towards me and took hold of my hair in his hand and pulled my head back, exposing my throat. He placed his knife at the right side of my neck. I felt the point of the knife break my skin. I let out a gasp as he dragged the knife across my throat tearing the skin open as he did

"Don't worry baby girl, it's not deep enough to kill you, just deep enough to leave a nice scar" I felt my head spin with the pain. The knife finally reached the left side of my throat and lifted from my skin.

Then with an unforeseen force he slammed my head down onto the hard wooden table. I felt my nose break. I let out a blood curdling scream as he repeated the action another two times, before holding my head back again and holding me in a choke hold pressing down on my wound.

"Gold still baby girl, this shit is gonna sting like a bitch and I don't wanna mess up your face to bad" he chuckled before repeated the same action he had done on my neck to my face. He dragged his knife from my about an inch above my left eyebrow down over my eyelid and then down over my cheek until it reached the base of my chin. I screamed again and felt the blood from my nose full my mouth. Merle released my head. I sat forward. I spat the blood in my mouth out it landed on my white shoes. I quickly realised I couldn't see out of my left eye. I forced my eyelid open, and all I could see out of that eye was a blurred mess. I closed it again because blood was filling it and it stung like a bitch.

"Tell me where Daryl is or I'll cut you up again like the whore you are"

"G-go f-fuck y-yourself" I said spitting out another load of blood. Except this time I spat it towards him. The blood splatter hit his face and I saw his eyes fill with rage. My pain was fading because of the adrenaline but I knew I was bleeding out.

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