On the road

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When I woke up Daryl was gone already. He probably went to breakfast. I got up and walked out of the room to the breakfast hall to find everyone there. When Glenn spotted me his face went red and he hid his face in his hands

"Morning Lana" Glenn whispered

"Morning beautiful" T-dog burst out laughing and Glenn almost died

"Mornin hun" Daryl's voice interrupted. I blew a kiss in response and sat down next to him. Soon enough Carl and his mother arrived, then Rick, then Shane

"Never seen you do that before" Rick said as we were discussing the marks on his neck

"Yeah it's not like me at all" way to make it obvious you tried to fuck Lori again Shane. I graciously took my eggs from T-dog. I quickly devoured the food and thanked T-dog before leaving for my room.  About an hour later Daryl stormed in looking anxious

"Whats up?" I asked, he stared at me and then started to pack our things

"You gonna answer me?" He sighed

"Generators are gonna run out soon... Jenner showed us what happens when someone turns... Then the old fella..."


"Yeah... He asked what happened when some clock ran out... The others are down in the basement tryin ta figure out what's goin on" I nodded and looked back at the roof. The cold breeze of the AC blowing on my skin. Daryl picked up a bottle of whiskey and began drinking again. Suddenly the cold breeze stopped. I stood up and raised my hand to the roof trying to locate the breeze

"The hell are you doin"

"AC turned off" at that moment the lights started to flicker and we heard shouts and complaining from outside the door. I grabbed Merles knife as Daryl opened the door. He leant out the door with his whiskey in hand. I wasn't listening to anything anyone said, because I couldn't find Carl

"El! I'm over here" I turned to my right and spotted him. He ran over to me and took my hand as we walked into a main room with a large circular light in the centre. The room was filled with computers and at the very front a large screen displayed a picture of a brain. I was snapped out of my thoughts when an argument broke out

"I mean the world runs on fossil fuels how stupid is that!" Jenner yelled. I didn't hear what Rick said but we all ran to the door. Until it shut

"Did you just lock us in?" Jenner began to record what was going on

"We have hit the thirty minute window" I looked to the clock... Yep thirty minutes... But until what.

"What happens in 30 minutes?!" He yelled at the blonde. Jenner seemed to snap

"Come on! You know what this place is?! We protected the public from very. nasty. stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever! In the event of a catastrophic power failure in a terrorist attack..." He looked around

"For example... H.i.t's" I gasped and stumbled back wards letting go of Carl's hand in the process. Daryl turned to me

"What's wrong hun?!" Daryl almost spoke calmly. tears stung my eyes as i hugged him tightly.

"What are HITs Lana?"Rick asked but I couldn't move I was paralysed

"Vi define" Jenner announced, everyone remained silent

"Hits high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consists of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear.
The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen between 5,000° and 6,000° and is used when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired." A large mechanic woman's voice spoke of the cries of everyone on the room

Dixon's Wife / Lana DixonWhere stories live. Discover now