Chapter 7: You Don't Know Him

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Third Person P.O.V
Mitch stumbles back holding his hurt arm as Brine reaches to grab him but a purple fire hits Brine's arm. Brine grits his teeth and takes a step back. Mitch looks at who did that.

"Sorcerer." He said. Seto has a black cloak with a red lining his hood is up shading his face, caramel brown hair, black pants, purple eyes, gray shirt, dark brown boots, silver chain necklace, and all his clothes bloodstained. But Sorcerer doesn't look to good at all. He is injured and seems like he is gonna pass out.

"Go home." Sorcerer said.

"You don't look too good Sorcerer." Brine said. Brine smiles slightly. He walks towards Sorcerer but stops once Sorcerer shoots a spell at his feet.

"Go b-back home." He said. Mitch sees Asada come running and stops a few feet behind Sorcerer.

"Wh-What?" She asks. Brine looks at Asada and then at Sorcerer.

"G-Go back home." Sorcerer said. Brine crosses his arms.

"Why?" Brine asks. Sorcerer takes a step back almost falling. Brine grins. "You can barely even stand." Asada takes a few steps towards Sorcerer putting her hands up a little bit towards Sorcerer. Seto's vision blurs. Brine looks at Mitch.

"Flamdo." Sorcerer said and a purple fire hits Brine again. But this time he disappears.

"Do you need help?" Asada asks. Before Sorcerer could say anything he passes out. Asada catches him. She sits on the ground with his bavk against her chest.

"Is he okay?" Mitch asks. Asada puts her hand on his neck. His head rest on her shoulder.

"He's breathing still. He's low on magic. How about you?" She asks. Mitch pushes himself up with one arm and walks to them.

"Just my arm. But I'm fine." He said. Asada moves one of Seto's sleeves to see his bloodied wrists.

"Alright, let take him to my house." Asada said. Mitch nods. He pulls Seto up onto his back. Seto's arms hang over Mitch's shoulders and his head on Mitch's back. Asada stands up. "I can carry him if your arm hurts."

"No, I got it." Mitch said. Asada nods and they start walking. "He is surprisingly light."

"He's weak. How was Brine?" Asada asks. She looks at the ground.

"He...He was scary. Sorcerer kept saying for him to go home." Mitch said. They talk for a while. After a while Asada's house starts to come into view. "Um....are we really gonna get involved in this?"

"Of course. Something isn't right. Come on." Asada said. She opens the door and Mitch goes in. She closes the door. "You can lay him on my bed." Mitch looks at her for a second before going. Asada grabs her spellbook and opens it as she goes to her room. Mitch lays Sorcerer on the bed. Asada climbs on the bed next to Sorcerer. She flips through pages.

"What are you looking for?" Mitch asks.

"Healing spell." Asada said. She stops at one page and smiles. She puts her hand on Sorcerer's chest. Her hand glows a faint red color. "Healium Repto." Wounds on Sorcerer start to close up. Asada smiles slightly. "Mitch can you get some water and a towel. I'm gonna get some of the blood off of him." Before Mitch could leave Asada grabs his hurt arm and says the spell. "There." He leaves. Asada close the book and sets it on the bed next to her. She moves closer to Sorcerer. She moves his hood a little to look at his face. "I can't give you magic, you just have to rest." Mitch comes back up water and a towel. Asada takes it. She wets the towel. Mitch sits on the floor against a wall. Asada pushes one of Sorcerer's sleeves up and starts cleaning his hands and wrists.

"What we gonna do now?" Mitch asks.

"Why was Brine interested in you?" Asada asks. Mitch looks at the floor.

"I have no idea." Mitch said. After that they stay in silent for a long time. Asada cleaned his wrists, chest a little and is now on his face. She rubs the towel against his cheek as his eyes open. Asada smiles.

"Hey. Can you tell me your name or do you want to be called Sorcerer?" Asada asks.

"S-Seto." He said wearily. Asada smiles and Mitch looks up at Asada.

"Wait you actually have names." Mitch said.

"Mitchell." Asada said looking at Mitch. She looks at Seto. "I healed your wounds. But your still low on magic." She puts the back of her hand on his forehead.

"So what is going on?" Mitch asks. Asada rubs the towel against Seto's forehead moving his hair a little.

"He should rest Mitch." Asada said. Mitch gets up and leave. Seto sits up. "No. Lay down." Seto takes a deep breath.

"I'm fine." He said. Asada grabs Seto's sleeve.

"You low on...okay you were low on magic. How did you recharge that fast?" Asada asks. Seto stands up wobbling a little. "Seto. So your name is actually Seto?" He turns around and looks at her.

"Yeah. Yeah it is. Don't you or that other guy say anything about me being here or anything about Brine." Seto said. Asada shakes her head.

"We won't. I have so many questions to ask you. Mostly about SpellCasters though if you don't mind." She said. Seto looks at her for a second.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Asada." She said.

"Okay Asada, ask away." Seto said. He sits on the bed and leans against the wall.

"Cilen Village. Were you there when the big battle was saving all those people?" She asks. Seto thinks for a second.

"My memory of all that day is just fragments Asada. I remember being there that day, yes. I don't exactly remember what happened." He said.

"Ender, Brine, and Wither. You know where they are?" She asks.

"Ender, yes. Wither, not anymore. Brine, yes." Seto said.

"What happened to Wither?" Asada asks. Seto looks away from her.

"Umm...his power is quite unique." Seto said. Mitch comes back in.

"O back for more? Why did Brine want Mitch?" Asada asks. Seto looks at Mitch. Mitch shakes his head slightly.

"I don't know. Brine isn't himself right now." Seto said.

"What's his real name?" Mitch asks.

"That I'm not allowed to give." Seto said.

"Okay, what do you mean he isn't himself? Every legend about you four make Brine look like the killer he is." Asada said. Seto looks at Asada.

"That's not who he is Asada. He has a good heart, but his brine side has always been unstable. He's under control, he doesn't know what he is doing cause that's not him. He a nice guy once you get to know him." Seto said. Mitch signs and sits on the bed.

"He seems more like the I'm gonna kill you and I don't need a reason why think of person." Mitch said. Seto looks at Mitch.

"You don't know him like I do. He isn't like that." Seto said. Asada gets off the bed.

"I'm starving. It's dark so I'll make some food." Asada said leaving. Mitch shakes his head again.

"What are you doing Seto?" Mitch asks.

"Same for you Mitchell." Seto said.

Vanished: A Teamcrafted Story: Book 1 in the Guardians TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now