Chapter 13: Unlocking A Memory

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Sky's P.O.V
I tap my fingers on a metal table watching KK work. She is actually a scientist who was sent to do work in the Nether for some reason. I sit sort of cross-legged on a chair and put my arms on the table and my head down.

"Before you fall asleep again Sky. Can you test something for me again?" KK asks. I sit up and put my hand out.

"Give it." I said. KK is holding a glass bottle with a red liquid inside.

"Your not gonna ask what it is?" KK asks. I shake my head.

"No, just give it to me. I've learned not to ask what your about to use me as a testing monkey for." I said. KK walks next to me and hands me the bottle. I open it.

"Remember tell me everything that you feel. And drink all of it." KK said.

"Yeah. Yeah I know." I said. I drink it and KK takes the bottle from my hand. "That has the most horrible taste ever." KK leans against the table. A sudden wave of drowsiness hits me.

"Anything else?" KK asks. I yawn.

"I think it made me tired." I said. I put my arms back on the table and yawn again and KK groans.

"No. It wasn't suppose to make you tired." KK said. I put my head down.

"Well then you failed." I said. KK groans.

"Stop It!" A voice yelled.

I flinch slightly and put my hand on my head. Was that in my head, cause KK would have heard it to right? KK looks at me.

"Sky?" She asks. I feel her hand on my shoulder.

"We will fix you...we won't abandon you. You would never abandon us." A voice said.

"W-What?" I ask quietly. What does that mean? I stand up. I push pass KK and go into the hallway.

"You just have to wait...I know you probably can't hear me since your unconscious, but your my best friend and I'm sorry that we had to do this to you, we had no choice." A voice said.

KK followed me since I can hear her. My knees suddenly give out and I sit on my legs.

"Sky!" KK said. I squeeze my eyes shut, clutching my head as the pain starts to come. "Sky. Sky what's wrong?!" KK kneels down in front of me talking to me.

"It's not your fault. We forgive you. But I'm sorry, your too risky to be in the OverWorld anymore, well awake that is. I don't know why I'm even talking to you. You can't hear me. But I promise that I'll find a way to put you back to yourself. I'll miss you..we all will." The voice said.

The voice is replaced by screams and what sounds like explosions. I feel KK's hands on my neck and her hand picks up my chin as I open my eyes. I puts my hands down staring at KK.

"You okay?" KK asks. I just stare at her, saying nothing. I don't know what to say. What just happened? "Did you remember something?" I nod a little. KK smiles. "Are you okay?" She lowers her hands.

"There was nothing there. But Brine was...he did something. I don't know. Why is it so hard to get answers?!" I ask. KK puts her arms around my neck and hugs me.

"You unlocked a memory Sky. Your first one. It doesn't matter if it was big or small. It was at least something." KK said. I hug her back. We let go of each other after a few seconds and she looks at me. "Did you get a face? A name? Or even a place?" I shake my head.

"It was just this one voice. They said that I'm their best friend. There was more then one but only that one talked. Said something about the...about the OverWorld." I said. KK shrugs.

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