Chapter 14: Ty

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Ty's P.O.V
"Why didn't you want to go to town with the others?" Seto asks. I look down at him. He is sitting on the ground against the porch. I put my arms on the railings and lean forwards a little.

"I don't really...blend in Seto." I said.

"No kidding." Mitch said coming out of the house. Mitch looks at me. "With the wings, tail, and your eyes, you blend in as good as a real dragon in a town." I sign and look ahead.

"I wanted to stay cause I'm waiting for Brine to shrink Mitch a size or ten, but I guess he would be short for a size." I said.

Seto's P.O.V
I smile a little. I put my hand on my cursed arm. It's dead weight in my lap really.

"I'm not that short." Mitch said sounding offended. I block out their argument once I feel the pain coming back again. I grit my teeth and grip my arm. I close my eyes.

"T-Ty." I stuttered. Ty doesn't respond, he probably didn't hear me because of Mitch. I look ahead and see Jason still laying on the ground. He hasn't woken up once, he hasn't even moved. I yelp a little suddenly and my leg starts to hurt. It's spreading. "T-Ty!"

"What?!" Ty yelled. I cough a few times and groan. That hurt my throat. "Oh, sorry Seto." Ty jumps over the railing and lands next to me. His hands glow a faint purple. "Sana Qoud Tetigerit." I feel his hand move onto the side of my neck and his other hand goes under my shirt and on my side. I flinch slightly when his cold hands touch my skin. The pain starts to go away. "How's that?"

"B-Better." I stuttered again. Ty takes his hands off me and pulls my shirt down. I look over at Jason again. Ty followed my eyes and looks over at Jason as well.

"If I move Jason, the curse on you could worsen." Ty said. I look at Ty.

"B-Bring him over he-here." I said. Ty takes a second before he gets up and walks over towards Jason.

"Why hasn't Jason waken up yet?" Mitch asks. I watch as Ty picks him and and bring him over to us. He lays Jason on the ground next to me. I wince a little and grab my arm tighter. Ty looks at me.

"You need the spell again?" Ty asks sounding almost worried. I take a few deep breaths.

"N-No. I'm fine." I said.

"So why aren't you getting Brine?" Mitch asks looking at Ty. I look at the ground.

Ty's P.O.V
I look at Mitch and the over at Seto. He looks upset again.

"It's complicated." I said.

"How complicated?" Mitch asks. I look at Seto's arm that's limp in his lap. He hasn't let go of his arm since I put the spell on him the first time. I walk around Jason and go next to Seto.

"Complicated enough that you wouldn't understand without being there." I said making Mitch shut up. I sit down next to Seto. "Let me see your arm." Mitch goes back inside. Seto doesn't answer. I don't want to touch him and have it hurt him. "Seto." I lean forward a little so I can see his face since his hood is up. He looks really tired actually.

"Th-Three centuries, we abandoned h-him." Seto said. I bite my bottom lip back a little. We did abandon him. I promise him that we would fix him but we never came back for him. No wonder he is so mad.

"Let's just forget about that right now Seto. I wanna see your arm." I said.

"After I..take a little nap." Seto said sleepy as he start falling down towards Jason. I grab him before he does. I pull him towards me and his head ends up on my shoulder. I move his hood a little and see his eyes closed. I put my arms around him and move forward. I lay him down on the ground. He curls up a little and doesn't move anymore after that. I grab his arm and push up his sleeve slowly. The Wither Curse covered his whole arm. My left hand glows slightly purple and I gently put my hand on his arm. The curse disappears from his arm under my hand and it starts to spread, changing his elbow down back to normal. Problem is, once I take my hand off, the curse will take over again. I take my hand off his arm as his arms move under his head. I look at him. He is shivering. It's almost sunset. I look at Jason. I can't bring Jason inside, he'll decay everything he touches. I look at Seto. But Seto I can. I pick Seto up in a bridal carry as Mitch comes outside again.

"What are you doing?" Mitch asks.

"Seto is safe to bring inside, Jason isn't." I said. I go inside and Mitch goes in front of me.

"Lay him on the couch." Mitch said. I lay Seto down on the couch and he's still asleep. Mitch grabs a blanket and covers Seto with it.

"I'll be outside with Jason, can you keep an eye on Seto?" I asks. Mitch looks at me and nods. "Get me if the curse acts up." I walk outside. I get off the porch step and sit down on the ground next to Jason. I lean against the porch.

I still don't know why I'm here. I promised myself I wouldn't get back into this Guardian thing again. It ruined me, so much it did. It ruined so much of my life and took away so much of it. Ellie is all I have left. It's actually pretty pathetic. Trade my life away for people I don't even know. At first it was fun, but that's when we all were still learning to control our powers. Now it was no longer fun and games.

Of course Farla was there to help, but she was always busy. Never cared. Neither did Notch. Well they cared about Jason, Seto and Adam. I always got the short end of the stick. When you live in the Aether, the place is full of angels and your half enderdragon with wings you can't put away and look like the devil's wings, everyone there tends to hate you and think your a freak of nature.

Adam and I played a lot when we were little, but once his brine powers kicked it, it turned too dangerous for everyone till he learned to control them. Seto was always busy learning spells, Jason was always sick because of the Wither curse, Farla was busy with her friends, and Notch was busy helping the others.

I didn't hate being there, but I sure didn't enjoy it. I can't even go anywhere without being pointed out and judged just because I'm not human like them. The others can go anywhere they want because they look human on the outside. I went to the only place I actually belonged, and I got a life there. I didn't escaped to the End. I don't want to throw it away. Everything with wings up there in the Aether, which is about 99% of the population, hated my guts. I don't want to go back. But none of them will understand my reasons. Yet I just can't abandon my three best friends.

"T-Ty?" A weak voice asks snapping me back into reality. I look at Jason. He's awake. I smile a little. I hang my arms around my knees.

"Save your strength Jason." I said. Jason sits up slowly, groaning in pain with each moment. Jason puts his cursed ridden hand on my arm.

"No j-jokes? What ha-happened to fu-funny Ty huh?" Jason asks as his smiles. I stare at him for a few seconds. Jason always manages to smile, even in pain he can always make you feel better. But not this time for some reason. I look away from him.

"Just um...g-go to sleep. Adam will come back soon." I said. Jason put his hand on the ground, losing his smile.

"Adam? W-Where is h-he?" Jason asks weakly. I flinch slightly at his weak voice. It's like it's barely there. This wouldn't be a problem if Farla would just go up to the Aether and ask Notch for the potion, come back down and cure Jason, saving Seto. But she just has to do it the hard way. "W-Where have you b-been Ty?"

"The End." I said. Jason smiles.

"You l-love it there I b-bet." Jason said. I nod.

"Go to sleep Jason. Save your strength." I said. Jason lays back down and falls asleep. I look up at the sky watching it turn to nighttime. Mods are gonna be coming soon. And I got Jason to protect. I know I can do it, but I'm having doubts for some reason. Adam would have regained control of himself after three centuries, so why hasn't he? Maybe something happened to him. Whatever it is, we'll all fix. I'm still keeping that promise, even though it has been so long.

Vanished: A Teamcrafted Story: Book 1 in the Guardians TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now