Chapter 8: Amnesia

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Third Person P.O.V
Brine stumbles a little as he comes out of the Nether Portal. He puts his hand against the obsidian frame. Brine smiles slightly.

"So that how it is gonna be ...h-huh?" He asks quietly. He puts his hand on his side feeling a jab of pain hit him. He looks down seeing his shirt starting to turn red and feels warm liquid against his skin. He signs. "Damnit. It opened up again." He teleports inside the massive castle like structure made of nether materials. He opens a door and goes into a lab. "KK must be asleep." He leans against a table and grabs a first aid kit off a hook on the wall. He collapses into a metal chair. He puts the kit on the table as KK enters. She has short black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, a white lab coat, and it holding a metal tray. She looks at Brine.

"Did it open up again?" She asks. Brine nods. She sets the tray down and goes to Brine. "I told you to wait till this was healed. All your stitches came out Sky." KK'a real name is Kyra, but Sky usually calls her KK for a nickname.

"I know. But hey. I made it here unlike last time when I passed out." Sky said. KK rolls her eyes. She pulls up Sky's shirt and moves his jacket to the side a little to look at a long horizontal cut on his hip and on his stomach open and bleeding.

"You almost bled out last time Sky." KK said. She makes Sky hold his hands where her's was holding his shirt and jacket out of the way. She opens the kit.

"That's because I...I loss it again." Sky said. KK stares at the kit for a few seconds and then grabs cloth. She walks over to the sink and gets it wet.

"He took over again? What did he want this time? Where did you go?" KK asks.

"I don't remember KK you know that my memory disappears with anything Brine does whenever he is in control. Last thing I remember was....was talking to you." Sky said. KK looks at Sky and walks to him.

"That was yesterday morning. I know you like to explore so that's what I thought you did. I didn't think Brine was controlling you again." KK said. She wipes the blood off of Sky's wound. She grabs a needle and starts stitching it shut again.

"The cut stops him I think whenever it opens." Sky said. KK seals it shut and this time puts a bandage on it.

"There. You feel lightheaded? Dizzy?" KK asks.

"No just confused." Sky said. KK puts the needle on the table.

"You'll figure Brine out Sky. I know you will. But your memory from before you met me, is it coming back yet?" KK asks.

"No. It's all a blur. Why do you ask?" Sky asks. KK puts her hand on her arm.

"Do you remember your real name? I know I gave you the name Sky but I would kind of like to know your real name." KK said. Sky looks at her and then at the floor

"No. No I don't know it." Sky said. KK looks to the side. "And I probably never will." KK looks at him.

"No. No don't you give up hope on that Sky. We'll find it. I promised you I would help find out what your real name and past was. So I will." KK said. Sky stands up wobbling a little.

"How can you put up with me? I'm a monster." Sky said. KK shakes her head.

"No your not. Brine is. You need to learn how to control it." KK said. Sky crosses his arms.

"Everytime I try to, I black out and when I come to I'm in a new place with blood on me. I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt you." Sky said. He walks pass her and she turns around biting her bottom lip. "I don't want to hurt you. I haven't yet but that can change quickly."

'He has hurt me. Many times in the past. He doesn't remember any of them but I'm not telling him any of them.' She thinks to herself. She takes a step towards Sky.

"Sky I haven't regret finding you in the past and I still don't to this day. 6 years and your still here. I don't know how to cure your amnesia since I don't know who you were before. But I'm not giving up on you." KK said. She hugs his middle and Sky smiles slightly. He hugs her back. She blushes slightly feeling his arms around her.

"I know you won't." Sky said.

Vanished: A Teamcrafted Story: Book 1 in the Guardians TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now