Chapter 26: Clean Up

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Sky's P.O.V
Once we finally get to the portal and go through it. We end up in a big portal room with a bunch of portals and stairs up to more. How many do we have? No one them have signs on them, Jason did say they wouldn't have signs on them. But the portal frames are not made of obsidian like they usually are. They are almost all made of different material. They others leave and I start to follow but I stop.

"Ugh! I told you putting signs on the portals would have been easier!" Someone yells. Figures appear standing in front of a portal that is made of blue material. It looks like Ty, Seto, Jason, and me. I walk towards them a little. We are all soaking wet.

"Ty that's so worth it." Jason said laughing.

"Why is there a portal to that world anyway?" Ty asks. He does looks mad.

"Good point Jason with no signs." I said quietly.

"It's there if you want to go swimming." Jason said. Ty must not like getting wet. Ty looks at Jason. He grabs Jason and pushes him into the same portal again. I smile.

"Sky." Kyra said. The figures disappear. Kyra grabs my hand and pulls me to catch up with the others. She lets go of my hand. Once we get outside there is another bridge, but it's big and made of wood over a chasm.

"So who built the temple?" Quentin asks.

"Notch did." Farla said. Oh course Notch did. We walk up a stone path and then I assume that's the temple. It's really big actually. Mountains surrounding it everywhere. It looks more like a castle then a temple, it's made of stone bricks. There's also big rings floating in the air and the temple looks like it hasn't been used in a long time. Which it probably really hasn't been used in a long time.

"Whoa that is huge and amazing." Ashley said.

"It's covered in vines and destroyed a little." Kris said.

"We haven't been here in a long time. What do you expect?" Ty asks.

"What's with the big rings in the air?" Jerome asks.

"Those were what Ty used when he was first learning how to fly." Farla said. I look at the rings. They are all huddled up in one space. We go inside and it's really dark. There is dust and spiderwebs everywhere along with a lot of vegetation growing. Probably the same throughout.

"You really need to clean this place up." Asada said.

"This place is huge." Ty said.

"Oh how about we do that first. Let's clean up the temple." Ashley said. Cleaning? That's sounds very boring.

"That sounds like a chore." Ian said.

"No. This place looks horrible. So let's go. Ty and Farla since you two can fly, take care of the outside of the building." Kyra said. I look over at Ty. He signs.

"Fine. Couldn't hurt." Ty said.

"Sky can work on lighting up all the torches then." Farla said. I look at Farla. There has to be dozens. "That's a good way for you to explore and maybe get some memories back." Yeah I guess that is a good idea.

"Rest of us will work on inside then." Kris said. We all split up.

*Two Hours later*

I open a door and see a lot of bookshelves everywhere. I light up all the torches in the place. I stop, looking at the enchantment table that is surrounded by bookshelves. There is also potions, brewing stands on tables, and chests in this room as well. This must have been an enchantment and brewing room. I walk up to the enchantment table. It's look different then the ones I have seen before. I look at the brewing stands.

"Are you sure Seto?" A voice asks.

"No I am not. But just do it." Seto said. I look at Seto. Ty and Jason grab two potion bottles from the table. I lean against the table.

"What will they do?" I ask. Ty and Jason drink them.

"Put them to sleep." Seto said. I smile a little. I cross my arms.

"Wait, put us to sleep? Seto why-" Ty stops talking and suddenly collapses onto the floor. Jason does too. I chuckle a little.

"I think it worked. Those might come in handy." I said.

"For what?" Seto asks. I look at Ty.

"For pranks of course. What else could they be used for? Just make me a few dozen of those potions and I'll be right as rain." I said. Seto smiles.

"As long as you don't do it on me fine I will make them for you." He said.

"Deal." I said.
*FlashBack Over*

"Sky you okay?" Kris asks. I look at the doorway seeing Kris standing there, looking at me.

"I'm fine." I said looking away from her.

"We need you on the other side of the temple, we can't find anything to light up the torches." She said. I look at the enchantment table.

"Okay." I said. I hear her walk away. A sleeping potion? Sounds like fun. I leave the enchanting room and close the door. Then I hear a bone cracking noise. I look down the hallway and I stare right at a skeleton. I jump and take a few steps back. The skeleton doesn't fire any arrows at me. Um...w-what? The skeleton walks pass me. I turn around looking at it.

"W-What?" I said quietly. But mobs attack on sight, anyways. Skeletons are especially annoying since they fire arrows. I pull out a knife and throw it at it. It hits the skeleton and it tumbles forward. But it just keeps walking. What the nether? I run up to it and kill it but once I do my head starts to hurt. I put my hand on the side of my head.

"One day..One day you will take my place. Then you'll be able to strike fear into those mortals like your father does." Someone said. Who is that?

Ian's P.O.V
Kyra, Quentin, and I are cleaning  out the kitchen. I pick up a dusty bottle. I open it and get a strong whiff of alcohol.

"I found all of their alcohol." I said. I see more unopened bottles.

"Really?" Quentin asks.

"No!" Kyra yelled. I pick up a wine bottle.

"Got some wine, some beer. Sounds like a good time." I said.

"Ian put it down." Kyra said. I look at Kyra.

"Why are you freaking out?" I ask. Kyra comes over to me and grabs the bottles out of my hands. She puts them away and shuts the cupboard.

"Because we aren't gonna all get drunk." She said.

"We know that Kyra because your not gonna get drunk so that means not all of us." Quentin said. Kyra crosses her arms at us and death glares us.

"Okay fine." I said. Kyra smiles.

"Good. Now go over there. I don't trust you near it." She said. Smart girl. I walk to the other side. I stare at her for a second and then catch Quentin's eyes. He smiles at me. I return it.

Vanished: A Teamcrafted Story: Book 1 in the Guardians TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now