Chapter 1

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Alexis POV


My mother and I sat on my bed, packing away my things into cardboard boxes. My mother was upset and distraught about my grandmother. I think we both were. My mother had decided to move, to get a fresh start. Our entire family was here and we knew it would make us feel sad and lonely. We packed up the last t-shirt into a box and added the box to the pile. "Come on baby. We'll put these in the car, then we will leave" I nodded standing up and taking a box down to the car. We piled the boxes into the back of mums car. I had to sell my car before we left. A girl older than me bought it for $5000.

We drove for hours stopping every now and then. We stopped to eat and get petrol a few times. When we arrived in the new town I was astonished. Everything was big and grand. Big houses, big shops, it was definitely for the rich. We had inherited a lot of money from my grandparents and my dad used to get heaps of money when he was alive. I looked to my right and saw a sign that said, 'Welcome to Ashmoore'.



"Welcome to Ashmoore High, Alexis. Here's your schedule and locker key" The lady handed me my things and gestured to a girl standing off to the side. "This is Ashley Keens, she is going to be your guide and make you feel welcome" The girl stepped forward. She was tall, blonde and skinny. What you would call a cake face, she had lots of makeup on. "Have a nice day now" The lady waved and walked off into a little office area. "Hi. I'm Ashley" She smiled at me and walked off, I followed after her awkwardly.

The first periods were alright. They went pretty quickly and Ashley kept on asking me if I wanted to join her posse. We walked down the hall and everyone was staring at us. I was a little confused, because everyone was ogling at me. 'What are they staring at?' my wolf asked. 'I don't know' I replied. We walked into the cafeteria and Ashley sat down at a table in the corner. She waved me over and scooted over so I could sit down.

"Guys, this is Alexis. She's new here so I'm showing her around. Isn't she just gorgeous!" Ashley squealed. The three girls situated in front of me smiled. They looked me over and turned away smiling. What the hell? "So, Alexis. We are willing to give you free access to all toilets on the 2nd floor and you can sit with us at lunch" Ashley said pointing to the girls seated around the table. "What? I'm confused" I said, wondering what the hell they were going on about.

"Leave the poor girl alone, Ashley" A voice said behind me. I turned around and looked up. A girl with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes stood there, she was gorgeous. A guy stood beside her, with an arm wrapped around her waist. He was taller than the girl and had blonde hair and blue eyes. Definitely mates, I thought. "Shut up Ashley. She doesn't need you and your problems" The guy next to 'Morgan' growled and his eyes started to turn black. Uh oh. Not good.

Morgan looked at the boy and flicked his chest. "Shh. You're ruining the effect" She whined to him. He glared at Ashley and I laughed. Probably not a good idea. "Oh! So you find her absolutely hilarious. Well that's great! I don't care! Go join Morgan and her pathetic group!" I stood up and grabbed my bag. "Okay" I said following Morgan to her table full of people. Ashley gasped. "Whatever! I don't care!" She yelled across the cafeteria.

Morgan sat down at the table and made room next to her. She patted the spot next to her, so I sat down. "So. I'm Morgan. Morgan Green. This is my mate Sam. Sam Dodger," She pointed to the boy beside her. "These are some guys from my pack" They all waved and smiled at me. I smiled at them and pulled out my juice, awkwardly sipping it. "So whats your name?" Sam asked. "Oh. Sorry. I'm Alexis. I'm new. Well, obviously" I looked around the cafeteria nervously.

They all laughed at me and I smiled shyly. "You're funny" Sam said. "I like you" He said smiling at me. I laughed too. "Thanks" We talked for a bit longer and got to know each other better. Morgan's friends were Julie, Kirsty, Jamie and Bec. Sam's friends were John, Alex, Jonah and Thomas. John and Kirsty are mates, Julie and Thomas are mates, Jamie and Alex are mates, and Jonah and Bec are mates. I felt kind of weird being the odd one out. The lunch bell rang and they all walked off to their classes.

Morgan, Sam and I all had the same classes except for geography. But Sam said that Alex and Thomas had that class so they would look out for me. The first few periods went by swiftly until it came to the last period; geography. I walked in and over to the teacher. I handed him my slip and he smiled at me. "Welcome to Ashmoore High, Miss Dalton. Is everything going well for you today?" I nodded and smiled shyly. I'm not much of a talker, but when I do talk I say something stupid then everyone laughs at me.

"Okay Sweetheart you can sit..." He looked around the room to find a spot. I looked too and saw Thomas and Alex waving at me. I waved back. A growl came from someone in the back. I turned to see the handsomest guy I had ever seen. My heart pounded in my chest. He had short black hair and gorgeous green eyes. He was so sexy. 'MATE! MATE! MATE!' My wolf was screaming at me. My mate? "Up the back with Daniel!" The teacher suggested cheerfully.

I bowed my head and slowly started walking towards the empty seat. The one next to my mate. It feels so good to say that. I smiled softly and sat down next to him. He moved closer along the table. Our legs were now touching. The sparks were unbearable and my stomach did flips. "Hi" His voice was husky and sexy. It took most of my self control to not jump him right then and there.

"I'm Daniel. What's your name, beautiful?" He asked. His voice sent shivers down my spine. Did he just call me beautiful? "Alexis" I whispered. He smiled wide. "Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl" He said leaning closer. My breathing hitched and he chuckled. "So what brings you here?" He asked curiously. "My mum and I decided to move after my grandmother passed away. We didn't want to stay in the same spot as our family" I said nervously looking up at him. "So, your family is still there? What about your dad?"

I looked down to my hands in my lap. It made me upset talking about my dad. A tiny tear slipped down my cheek. God I missed him. "He's dead" I whispered. He looked sorry and guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset" He said, wiping his thumb across my cheek. "It's okay" I whispered. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. I felt warm and comfortable in his arms. It made me feel much better. He pulled away and I sighed. He smiled at me.

"Miss Dalton. Mr Rover. Try and focus on the lesson just a little bit, at least" The teacher said looking at us both. "Sorry Mr Green" Daniel said turning towards the front. I tried to focus on what Mr Green was saying. Every few minutes I got distracted because of Daniel's leg touching mine. Daniel reached for my hand under the table and I looked down at our intertwined hands. I smiled widely at him. Then the bell rang.

All of a sudden everyone started rushing around, packing up their things. Mr Green had retired to his chair and put his feet on the table. Daniel stood up and helped me put my books into my bag. He packed up his things and slung his bag over his shoulder. I put my bag on and we walked out hand in hand. We got to the car park and everyone was staring at us. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He asked smiling at me.

I nodded and looked down at the ground. Everyone was staring at us and their eyes were burning holes in the side of my head. But Daniel of course seemed oblivious to all the stares. He leaned down and kissed me sweetly on the lips. It wasn't short enough to be awkward. It wasn't long enough to be considered making out. But it it was long enough to make my whole body tingle with delight.

He pulled away and kissed me on the forehead. "Bye" He whispered and walked towards his car. "Bye" I whispered to his retreating back. I stood there for a moment, regaining the ability to think straight. I walked over to my car and jumped in. I started up the car and turned on the radio. I drove home blaring Teenage Dream by Katy Perry and singing along to the song. When I got home I fell into bed and fell asleep dreaming about Daniel Rover.

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