Chapter 21

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Alexis POV

I was exhausted. My feet and legs were aching. My back was numb and my arms felt like they were about to fall off. Morgan and Sam needed help moving into their new apartment, Daniel and I offered to help. Daniel made me take small stuff only, like towels and small boxes of stuff. Morgan and Sam's new apartment was in this beautiful tall building. Unfortunately they were on the sixth floor, and the elevator wasn't working today. I had to walk up seven flights of stairs - seven because their car was in the underground garage, with all the stuff they needed to be moved - like 100 times. Every trip up those stairs the loads felt heavier. I fell backwards once, luckily Sam was behind me and caught me before I injured myself. Daniel was horrified. After that he made me sit in the car till he had taken the last few boxes up.

"Thanks guys. Sorry about the fall Lex, hope the boys are okay" Morgan said, hugging me goodbye. Her hair was all over the place and she had sweat patches all on her shirt, it looked like she had just completed a major workout. "No problem, have fun tonight in your new home. Try not to break that $5000 bed" She laughed and walked over next to the driveway. "Aren't you glad I caught you" Sam laughed hugging me. "Very" I said hugging him back. "Bye Sammy" I said. "See ya Lexi poo" He said ruffling my hair. He shook Dan's hand, "Thanks buddy". "Anytime" Dan said pulling my door open for me. He walked back over to his side of the car and jumped in. We pulled out of the driveway and waved goodbye. Daniel drove us home and I dozed off, with my head laying gently on Daniel's shoulder.


Daniel's POV

^Son, Rogues have been spotted on the north border^ My dad's voice filled my mind. I looked over at Alexis sleeping peacefully in her seat.^Give me a minute and I'll be there. I'm driving up the road now, I need to get Alexis inside^ ^Be quick, they're charging and aren't giving up anytime soon^ I sped up the car and drove up the driveway. I parked the car and jumped out, running over to Alexis. I pulled her out of the car and shut the door. I carried her bridal style through the front door and up the stairs. I put her in our bed and tucked her under the covers. I kissed her forehead and kissed her growing stomach twice. I made sure the window was locked and ran out of the room. I sprinted down the stairs and out the door. I jumped midair and shifted into my midnight wolf. ^Jonathan, Roger, I need you to guard Alexis' bedroom, Oscar, Bentley, Stand guard outside my mothers room^ I ordered as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the north border. I reached the border quickly, wolves of all colours and sizes were wrestling, teeth bared, blood spraying.

I spotted my father tearing through a rogues neck. I sprinted forward and jumped onto a ratty brown looking rogue. It rolled back and I growled and snapped its neck. It's body stopped struggling underneath me and I got up looking for other rogues. ^Alpha Mark, these rogues were part of my pack, the Dark Moon pack, they must have been sent here for the future Luna^ Clive said, through mind link. I could see him staring at a rogue, growling. The other wolf looked shocked, but growled back. These mutts were sent here for Alexis. I growled at the thought. Not one of these mangy mutts was going to touch my beautiful mate. ^ALPHA! The pack house has been compromised! The women and children have been safely hidden in the basement, but we cannot find Luna Rhonda or Luna Alexis!^ Bentley, the warrior I assigned to guard my mothers bedroom, mind linked, sounding slightly panicked.

My father growled, snapping a rogues neck. There was only a couple of rogues left and my father had two dangling from his teeth. It wasn't the most pleasant sight. ^All of you go! Protect the pack house and find the Luna's! I can handle these mutts^ He said snapping the two rogues' necks. The warriors turned and sprinted off towards the pack house. I followed quickly, my father would join us soon, rogues are easy to dispose of. Even for an omega. We came in view of the pack house, windows were smashed and walls were knocked down. What ever came through here was devastatingly good at destroying lives. We sprinted forward and rogues appeared out of nowhere. Some warriors stopped to attack them while the rest of us, ran around the perimeter, looking for any danger. ^Three of you come with me. We will look for the Luna's^Three warriors pulled out of the group without missing a beat.

We slowly walked into the house, cautious of anyone popping out from nowhere. We walked through the hall as the smell of smoke started to float through the air. We turned into the kitchen and a huge flame had erupted around the room. The windows were shattered and the smoke was escaping through the broken glass. A small thump was heard and my head snapped in the direction of the sound. I slowly stalked forward, a tall cupboard that didn't belong in the kitchen was rattling and a panicked heartbeat could be heard through the door. I kicked the door and it swung open, Noah, a four year old boy from the pack was sat inside the cupboard. Tears were streaming down his little face and his cheeks were red and puffy. He started sobbing when he saw us and I shifted back into human form, grabbing a pair of shorts that were conveniently hanging inside the cupboard. I lifted him up onto my side, and tried to shush him.

His little arms circled around my neck tightly. He was terrified and I wanted to know why. "Noah, it's okay. What did you see? How did you get in that cupboard?" I asked looking at the cupboard that clearly belonged to one of the bedrooms upstairs. He hiccuped and whispered, "Where's mummy?" He started to sob again and I bounced him up and down in my arms. "Noah, we'll find mummy. Now tell me, what happened?" The warriors shifted back and grabbed pants and shorts out of the cupboard. "M-Mommy t-told me t-to get a drink for S-Sophie, so I w-went in here to get it and then the bad men came" He stopped talking and started sobbing again. Sophie was his two year old sister, she had just started to learn how to use actual cups rather than bottles or sippy cups. "Where's Sophie?" I asked. "I don't k-know. S-she was with m-mummy and then they were gone" He hiccuped and held tightly onto my shirt.

That means that Cassandra, Noah and Sophie's mother had been taken safely to the basement along with Sophie. But how the guards missed Noah, I had no idea. I knew that Cassandra would be in hysterics downstairs in the basement. "What did the bad men do?" I asked him. "They tried to take Luna Rhonda and then she ran upstairs" He said pointing to the mangled staircase. I nodded to the warriors and they started to put the fire out. "What happened after that?" I asked him gently. "I hid behind the bench a-and then they ran after her. One bad man made a fire on the stove and then he went u-upstairs as well" He hiccuped. "They didn't find me though, cause I'm a good hiderer" He said pointing to his hiding spot behind the kitchen bench. "Then what happened?" I asked him. He pointed to the ceiling and I looked up, a massive hole was in the centre of the ceiling.

A bedroom was above us, and that must've been how the cupboard got down here. "There was a really big bang and then that fell down through there. The bad men went so I climbed in there so the fire didn't eat me" He said pointing to the cupboard. The fire was out now and the smoke was retreating out the window. Luckily it hadn't come near the cupboard, it was wood and would've killed Noah if it caught alight. "You're okay now, Noah. We have you, you're alright. Let's go find mummy" I said and he hugged me tightly, frightened about what had happened. Two of the warriors walked up the mangled stairs first then I walked up them with Noah still on my hip and the last warrior behind us. We walked through the hall and towards the secret staircase to the basement. We opened the passageway and stepped inside. The last warrior concealed the door and closed it, making sure no one was following. We reached the bottom of the staircase and walked down the throng of empty doors, they were there as a distraction, if anyone ever finds the place.

We walked to the end of the corridor and opened the hatch to a door that said 'ELECTRICAL WIRING BOX'. The door opened revealing another secret staircase and we walked down it to the bottom. There was a huge vault door at the bottom of the staircase. One of the warriors put in the code and started slowly spinning the volt lock. The click of the lock sounded and the door slowly opened. The women and children were sitting in the couches and seats surrounding the panic room, and all looked as if they had seen a ghost. Cassandra ran forward tears streaking her face and grabbed Noah from my arms. "Thank you" She said and held Noah tightly who was sobbing into his mothers shoulder. "You're welcome" I replied smiling at her. She went and sat down with Noah, on the couch she had previously been occupying. Sophie was sitting on the couch looking quite upset, probably because she didn't get her drink. Noah hugged Sophie and kissed her forehead. Now that, was cute.

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