Chapter 15

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Daniel POV

*1 month later*

^Daniel?^ My fathers voice echoed in my mind. ^Yes father?^ I asked. ^There are rogues on the south side of the territory. They are charging and won't stop. I've sent about fifty warriors, but I need you to come with me^ ^Why? I'm kind of busy with Alexis. She's having another craving again. I was about to go down to the store^

^Im sorry son, but it'll have to wait. They're after Alexis and the baby^ ^What?! What do they want with them they're not getting anywhere near them!^ I growled. ^Come. You can protect them if you come^ ^I'll meet you at the clearing^ I ran downstairs and into the living room. "Alexis! I've got to go there is some important business I have to attend to" "What? Why can't I come with-" I cut her off growling. "You must stay here. I will tie you to the bed again if I must"

"But-" "No. You are not coming and that is final" I growled out. She whimpered and stepped back. I frowned. "I'm sorry Lexi, but I have to keep you and the baby safe, here at home" I kissed her forehead and ran out the door. "DANIEL!" She screamed after me. I kept on running trying to ignore the fact that I wanted to go back and wrap my arms around her.

^Daniel, where are you?^ My father mind linked me. ^I'm on my way father^ I replied shifting and sprinting in wolf form. I reached the south border in a matter of minutes and saw our warriors assembled and ready to fight. My father stood in front of them, giving instructions. I ran behind a tree and shifted back, pulling on some basketball shorts.

I jogged out from behind the tree and stopped next to my father. "I'm glad you're here. We're heading off now" He said, nodding to the warriors. A group of ten ran ahead silently. They checked to see if the rogues were close by. ^Alpha they're here^ Benjamin said through the mind link. My father nodded to the rest of the warriors and they all ran off to join the others.

"Lets go" My father said and we ran off towards the others. A group of about thirty wolves were fighting our fifty men. We were definitely winning though. Bodies were flying everywhere and growls and snarls could be heard throughout the whole battle. I took down six rogues with ease and helped out the others. I looked around and there was only one rogue left, my father was growling at him and he was bowing.

"What pack are you from rogue?" My father growled out. "The Dark Moon pack sir" He whimpered, my father towering over him. "Did your Alpha send you?" The rogue nodded. "He made us come. He said if we didn't go he'd kill our mates and make us watch" He whimpered again. My father growled again. What kind of Alpha threatens the lives of his pack members?

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