Chapter 26

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Alexis POV

My whole body was burning and aching, but I didn't mind. All of the pain was worth it. I had two gorgeous boys, Isaac and Aiden. They were both born with little patches of brown curly hair, and had bright brown eyes. "They're so beautiful" Whispered Rhonda. Mark looked like he was about to cry. "Yeah, they are" Daniel said, he was hesitant at first but then he took Isaac in his arms. I peered down at Aiden, he was snuggled up in a blanket on my chest. Isaac was born a minute and a half before Aiden. Aiden came out crying but he was relatively quiet. Isaac however, he screamed the hospital room down when he arrived.

A doctor walked in and smiled at us. "You can all go home in two days time. We will be keeping the boys here for a few days while you recover so we can run a few tests and make sure everything's in working order. Because they were premature, we don't want to miss anything" She explained. I nodded. That's fine with me, if they're keeping them safe and healthy. "Thank you" Daniel said smiling at her. She left the room, and we all stayed silent just treasuring the moment.


^Three Days Later^

"Alright, welcome home boys" Dan says carrying in the babies in their baskets. I smiled at them, they were so cute. They had adorable little grins as they looked up at their father who was cooing at them. "They love you already" I said, smiling. Dan laughed, "Duh, I'm the worlds best dad" He joked. Mark walked in. "Someone called?" He asked, looking at us expectantly. I shook my head in confusion. "No one in here called you" I said. "Are you sure? I'm positive I heard someone say 'World's Best Dad'" He said looking even more confused than me. Oh. I get it now. That makes much more sense.

"Ok, I'm leaving then" Mark left out the front door and I looked over at Daniel. He just shrugged and placed the babies on the kitchen bench. He pulled out Aiden and handed him to me, and then picked up Isaac. "Lets go watch a movie or something" He suggested. I nodded and followed him to the lounge room. We sat and watched Yogi Bear, strangely Daniel's favourite movie. The boys were completely consumed by the television and they didn't even cry or make any sounds. They just sat on our laps and watched the movie silently.

The movie finished and Aiden started gurgling while looking up at me. "What's up bubba? Are you hungry?" I cooed. He gurgled again. "Okay baby" I said. I pulled down my shirt and bra to breastfeed. Dan watched me intently as his son latched on and drank. "Save some for me buddy" He said kissing Aiden's head and then the top of my breast. I wacked his head gently and he gave me an evil smirk. I poked my tongue out at him, and looked down. Aiden was finished and Isaac was starting to get upset watching him when he couldn't have any himself.

Isaac waved his arms around frantically trying to attract my attention. I lifted my top back up and handed Aiden to Daniel and took Isaac. I placed him under my other breast and pulled down my top again. "Will you stop staring" I glared at Dan as he watched silently from the lounge room floor. "I'm sorry. Just looking for something" He said looking away. "What are you looking for?" I asked curiously. He shrugged, "Just to see if your nipples hardened. And they did by the way" I scoffed and kicked him. He whined and rubbed his side. Asshole.

Isaac finished drinking so I lifted up my top again. The door bell suddenly rang and I looked to Dan. He rolled his eyes. "I'll get it" He sighed and took Aiden with him. He went to the front door and opened it revealing my mother. She had missed the birth because she didn't seem to want anything to do with me once I called her from Dan's house to tell her I was pregnant. Now she turns up uninvited at the front door. How convenient.

"Mum?" I asked incredulously. She smiled at me sadly. "I came to apologise" She said. I stared at her unable to tell if she was lying. "I know I was harsh not supporting you through the pregnancy. But I was upset and disappointed and hurt. I got pregnant with you when I was 19. You're only 17. I was stupid and selfish, I know. I wasn't thinking straight" She looked down at her hands and fiddled with her wedding ring. My father had given it to her at their wedding when she was pregnant with me. Dan let her in and closed the door behind her.

She walked to me on the couch and stood infront of me. "I really want to be a grandmother, but I was too selfish to realise. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me" I couldn't find any words, so I handed Isaac to Dan and stepped forward and hugged her. We hugged and chatted for hours until we had to put the boys down for bed. She kissed us goodbye and said goodnight to the boys. After she left we took them up to their nursery and changed their nappies and put on their adorable matching pajamas.

We put them into their matching cribs and tucked them in. We had painted the nursery a dark blue, and all the furniture was cream/white. We had a cute ocean theme. There were frames above their beds with boats and starfish, and curtains with black stripes around the edges. There was a dark blue arm chair with a little basket of books next to it. There were teddies and pillows on the floor from the mess we had made earlier today. We handed them their teddies and left.

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