Chapter 7

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Alexis POV

Light filtered through the blinds of the window. I watched as the dust twirled in the light. Daniels arm was draped over my waist and his head was snuggled into my neck. I sighed. Last night was amazing. It hurt a little at first but then it was just....amazing. I watched Daniel sleep. He was so peaceful. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. I smiled back. He kissed my nose and I giggled. "We should get going. My parents will be back soon" He smiled sadly.

"Why do we have to go" I asked confused. Was he trying to get rid of me? "Do you want my parents to find out? Cause if they do, my mum will start planning the birth of our children" He said staring at me. "Okay let's go" I said jumping out of bed. I grabbed my clothes off the floor. My panties and shirt were shredded. I frowned. Daniel does cause a mess. I turned to Daniel who already had his pants on and was pulling on his shirt.

"You ripped my panties and shirt" I said throwing them at him. He laughed. "No worries. You can wear some of my clothes" He said walking into the closet. He came back out with a grey v-neck and a pair of his boxers. "Here" He threw them to me and I caught them. I pulled the top on and pulled the boxers up. They were too big so I grabbed my hair tie that was lying on the ground, and tied it around the side.

Daniel whistled and I rolled my eyes. "Babe, you look sexy in my clothes" He said, eyes getting a shade darker. I laughed. Of course he thinks that, that's what every male wolf thinks about their mate. I fixed up my hair and turned towards Daniel. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay, let's go" He grabbed his keys off the bedside table and walked out of the room.

I ran after him. We went into ninja mode, making sure that no one saw us. It was actually really fun. We got outside and quickly jumped into Daniels car. Daniel started the engine and we were off. We arrived at my house ten minutes later. Daniel walked up to the front porch with me. "Babe, I need to tell you something" Daniel said looking up at me. "Okay" I said waiting for him to continue.

"Um... well...I' father, he's an I'll take over his place one day soon. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I was nervous" Daniel said fiddling with his thumbs. "Wow. Does that mean I'm a Luna?" I asked. He nodded nervously. He was too cute. "That sounds amazing. Me, leading a pack..." I trailed off, imagining it clearly in my mind. "US leading a pack" He corrected.

"Maybe, one day our pack will include our own pups" Daniel said smiling goofily. I giggled. He was adorable. I kissed him tenderly on the lips and waved goodbye. I walked back inside my house and sat on the couch. My mum walked in from the kitchen eyeing me curiously. "Was that Daniel?" She asked. I nodded smiling. "So am I to expect grandchildren?" She asked with this sparkle in her eyes.

I blushed bright red. This is so embarrassing. "Mum!" I whine. She smiles at me innocently. She sits down on the couch next to me. "Oh honey, I can tell your fully mated. I can smell Daniel all over you. Besides, your wearing his clothes" She said smiling warmly. I laughed. I guess it was kinda obvious. Me being gone for the night, coming back the next morning with Daniel and being in his clothes.

"Whatever" I said getting up and going upstairs. I was going to change back into my clothes, but I liked smelling of Daniel. I laid down on my bed and pulled the covers over me. Last night was exhausting. I decided to take a nap. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Dreaming about being Luna and having my own little pups.

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