Chapter 13

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Daniels POV

I hated lying to her, but I had to. I didn't want her to know what happened. She doesn't need that. "I think you should rest now" I said getting up from the bed. "Okay" She whispered closing her eyes. I kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room. A girl stood next to the doorway, looking at me hesitantly. "Can I help you?" I asked kindly.

"Are you the one who bashed my mate?" She asked. "The guy that thought it was okay to abuse my mate?" I growled. She nodded tears spilling over. "I'm really sorry. He's always been... physical" She whispered softly. "What do you mean by always?" I asked confused. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She looked broken. That's when I realised. He had abused her before.

"I'm so sorry" She sobbed. I felt sorry for her so I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. "'s okay" She sobbed even more so I sat her down on a row of seats against the wall. "I'll be right back, stay here" I said and ran off. I turned a couple of corners until I reached them. My father sat in the waiting room with my mother, whispering in hushed voices.

They noticed me and looked up. "Is Alexis okay?" My mother asked, concern laced through her voice. I nodded, "She's fine. Just resting" I looked to my father. "Dad, there is a girl here. She's the mate of the guy who beat Alexis" I nearly growled at the last part. Images were still vivid in my mind. "I'll have a little chat with her" He stood and walked past me.

I grabbed his arm and he turned around. "She's been abused by him, don't be too rough on her. She's around there, sitting down" He nodded and left. I turned to my mother. "Come see Alexis. I know you're dying to see if she's okay" She smiled at me and stood up. We walked back to Alexis' room and found her awake sitting upright. She was swallowing down a few pain killers.

"Alexis. You're okay" Mum breathed sitting beside her. Alexis smiled at her and sipped at a glass of water. "It hurts a little bit but I'll be fine" She smiled warmly at me, and I couldn't help but beam back at her. A doctor walked in with a clipboard in hand. He smiled at the clipboard, then looked up at us. "Good afternoon all" He said walking over to Alexis. He switched the clipboard in his hand with the one that was at the end of Alexis' bed.

"Hey Doc. Can I leave anytime soon?" Alexis asked. He smiled at her, chuckling. "I'm afraid you'll have to sleep here tonight but you may leave tomorrow morning" He flicked through the notes. "So I'll be fine by tomorrow then?" She asked. "You'll be more than fine. You'll be busy" He said. She frowned, "What do you mean?" He smiled brightly at us and said, "Luna, you are pregnant"

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