Chapter 9

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Alexis POV

We arrived outside a huge house. It was big and fancy and just screamed 'wealth'. "Okay, you girls ready?" Sam asked. I nodded smiling excitedly. "Hell yeah, baby!" Morgan yelled enthusiastically. We got out of the car and walked up the long driveway. There were cars parked everywhere. Some even on the lawn. Drunk teens were dancing around and trashing the front lawn. We walked up a small staircase and up towards a huge wooden door.

Sam opened the door and loud music could be heard. "Ladies first" He bowed and Morgan giggled. We walked inside and I was shocked. The whole place was amazing. Streamers and silver string were hung up all over the room. There was even a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. "Welcome to my house" A boy with cropped blonde hair an hazel-green eyes, stared at me. I was startled. he had appeared out of nowhere. "Hey bro! Happy birthday!" Sam said walking around us and giving the guy a man hug.

Only then did I notice the banner hanging on the wall. It read, 'Happy Birthday, Jerry' "Thanks Sam" 'Jerry' said. Sam turned to gesture to Morgan. "You remember my mate, Morgan. And this is Alexis, our friend" He laughed. "Good old Morgan" He said, giving Morgan a hug. He turned to me and stuck out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Alexis. I'm Jerry" I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you too" Sam grabbed me and Morgan and said a quick goodbye before dragging us into the kitchen.

"Anything to drink, ladies?" He asked grabbing a beer from a blue esky. I shook my head no. I didn't want to go home wasted. My mum would kill me, then bring me back alive so Daniel can kill me after. "No thank you" I said politely. He turned to Morgan. "Anything for you, babe?" "Well actually can I-" He cut Morgan off. "No" He popped the beer cap off and sculled half of it down. "I'm the only one getting drunk tonight, you guys can decide who's driving" He shut the esky and walked out of the room.

"Stupid overprotective mate" Morgan grumbled, following after him. I stayed back wandering around the kitchen. I found a cabinet that had glasses and filled one up with tap water. I sipped it watching all of the people dancing. You can't really call it dancing. Some people were grinding against each other and others were just shuffling on their feet to the music. It was kind of disgusting and depressing at the same time.

"Having a good time?" I jumped. My once full glass was now empty, and the water was spilled on the floor and my outfit. I turned around to see Jerry. He smiled at me then frowned. "Did I make you spill that?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. I looked down at my half soaked dress. "Well, you did scare me half to death" I admitted. He laughed and grabbed a beer from the esky. He sculled it like Sam had, but this time he sculled the whole thing. I watched in amazement. how could he drink all that so fast?

He threw the empty beer bottle away and it smashed against the wall. Tiny shards of broken glass sprayed across the floor. He wiped his forearm over his mouth and stared at me. I felt weird and uncomfortable under his gaze. It felt like ice was taking over my veins. He smiled at me. The only difference was that it wasn't kind or friendly. No. It was cold and hard almost as if he was thinking something really evil. He grabbed my arm and hauled me upstairs. Oh shit.

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