Chapter 19

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Daniel POV

I was extremely nervous. My parents had agreed to distract Alexis while I set everything up. I wanted everything to be perfect, so I needed Alexis to be out for the day so I could prepare. I knew my dad would distract her enough that she wouldn't suspect anything. They had successfully had her out of the house for like 6 hours or something. For that I was grateful.

I made sure I had a couple guards at the mall. You know just for safety measures. And so they could warn me if they came home early. Alexis hadn't noticed them at all, which was a good sign. I needed the babies protected and their mother. They were my only heirs (for now *winky face*). I was so excited to be a dad and grateful that there was two of them. Twin boys. I just couldn't help but smile.

My father is a twin. They are best friends, even though my uncle lives in a different state. They always keep in contact. My uncle Nathaniel (the inspiration behind my name) is Alpha of the Grey Moon Pack. His mate is Grace and she's the best cook I have ever met. Uncle Nate is a lucky man. Not that Alexis' cooking isn't delicious, Aunt Grace makes the best Banoffie Pie though. She always brings one whenever they visit.

My Uncle and Aunt had heard about the news of Alexis' pregnancy. And were overjoyed with the news of twins. My dad had spoken to them on the phone for hours on end, just talking about his new friend, Alexis. Then he had a massive conversation with Uncle Nate about the different varieties of Bananas. I don't even know.... That's just how alike they are.

They act exactly the same, that's why we try and keep them separated at Christmas. Whenever they're together its disasterous, last year we had to replace the roof. They had a lot of explaining to do to Mum and Aunt Grace after that. Aunt Grace and Uncle Nate had two kids. My cousins. Nick, who is 19, and Chelsea, who is nearly 16. Thankfully none of us got the stupidity gene from our Fathers'.

Chelsea was a genius. She had straight A's since kindergarten. Nick, who is now out of school, isn't as smart as Chelsea, but he's a technology wizz. He's getting major bucks for working at a huge tech company. They're both really nice and funny. I had invited the whole family over for a couple of weeks so they could meet Alexis. But it was mainly for the one thing I was anxious about. I was scared shitless. I didn't know how she would react, and that thought terrified me.

I was going to propose.

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