Chapter 31

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Alexis POV

It was a week after we had left for our honeymoon. Rhonda and Mark called us regularly to tell us how the boys were going. Aiden was doing great, and didn't have anymore problems, except for the temperatures he sometimes got. But the doctor said that they would stop after time. The twins were crawling everywhere now, and I made them take photos and videos in case they started walking. Daniel thought I was being ridiculous. Mark kindly inputted his opinion, saying that I was a bear stalking her cubs. To be honest I was offended by that and couldn't stop asking Dan if I was fat.

Isaac was in the clear, the shots looked like they were working. He was being very protective of Aiden and Rhonda said she would sometimes catch him watching Aiden. Morgan and Sam had called us to tell us the news, Sam had proposed to Morgan and they were now engaged. AND, they were expecting. I was going to be an aunt (even though we aren't actually related). They had names chosen already and the nursery was set up.

Being away from the pack was a thrill, no noise and no disturbances. Alone at last. I must admit, 45% of the time we were just having sex. But the other 55% of the time, we were out and about exploring the island. I was shocked when I saw where we were staying, but excited because I loved Hawaii. Daniel took me out to dinner every night and we had breakfast and lunch at our hotel. The hotel was on a small cliff, overlooking the beach. The view is amazing, there is a big pool with a glass wall, showing the ocean below.

"Hey, baby, want to go skinny dipping?" Dan asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggled and nodded. It was near midnight, and no one was around. He picked me up bridal style and carried me towards the pool. He stripped off his clothes and started peeling off mine. I laughed and helped him. He pulled me towards him, and kissed my neck. I moaned and he pulled me into the pool.

* * * *

"Let's go. Lunch won't eat itself" Dan whined. I rolled my eyes and put in my hoop earrings. I stood up and followed him out the door. We were headed to a special cafe on a small island just off the mainland. It was called, 'Piccolo Fiore' which was Italian for Little Flower. My grandmother taught me Italian when I was younger, and Daniel was quite impressed. We walked down to the dock, where a speed boat was waiting for us. Dan jumped in and held my hand so I wouldn't fall out. I jumped in, and sat down at the front as we sped off toward the island.

It took us 10 minutes to get to the island, but it was worth it. The cafe is small but comfy and warm. We headed inside and sat down at a table. "What are you having?" Dan asked. I looked down at the menu and saw something I liked. "I think I might have the chicken schnitzel wrap. That sounds good" Dan nodded, looking down at his menu. "I'm gonna have the steak" He said putting the menu down on the table. I placed mine on top of his and he called the waitress over. She smiled flirting at him, and I glared at her. Daniel seemed oblivious to her and ordered our meals.

The waitress walked away and Daniel frowned. "Do you know what's been bugging me all day?" He asked. I shook my head. "Why does yoga look so good on TV or when others are doing it, but when you do it, you just feel throbbing pain all over?" I stared at him, wide eyed. "What?" I asked completely shocked. "I mean, they make it look easy and then you actually try it and it's just...hard and painful. You know?" He asked.

"No, actually I don't know" I laughed at him. He huffed and looked out the window, to the white sanded beach. "Fine then" "Why is it that when someone tells you that there are billions of stars in the universe, you believe them, but if they tell you there's wet paint somewhere, you have to touch it?" He looked at me seriously. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked. He grinned, "I feel amazing" "You're very excitable today" I observed. He nodded, taking a sip from his water glass.

"Aren't you? We get to go home to our little boys" He said, smiling at me. He took out his phone and checked something. "Exactly 5 hours, 3 minutes and 33 seconds...32 seconds...31...30...29...2-" "Dan! You don't have to keep counting" I cut him off. "Oh right, sorry" He mumbled smiling sheepishly at me. I rolled my eyes. I'm starting to understand Rhonda's point of view now. Dan is almost exactly like his dad, but a bit more serious at times. Rhonda must have felt remarkably outnumbered, raising those two kids (Even though Mark is like, in his early thirties).

* * * *

We pulled our luggage up behind us, and searched through the crowd of faces. Dan spotted Mark and Rhonda first and led me through the crowd. "Hey! How was the honeymoon? Anything you have to tell us? Like if Alexis is pregnant again!" Mark asked. Dan rolled his eyes and hugged him, then hugged Rhonda. Mark pulled me into a hug and then he picked me up and passed me to Rhonda. Ridiculous. Do I look like a two year old?

He put me down and I glared at him. Morgan and Sam stood next to them, Sam holding Isaac and Morgan holding Aiden. I gasped and took Isaac from Sam's arms. I kissed his cheeks and his forehead and clutched him to me tightly. He giggled and squirmed in my grip. Daniel took Isaac from me and pointed at Aiden. I walked over to Morgan and took Aiden. I quickly hugged Morgan and turned to hug Sam.

Aiden bounced and gurgled in my arms, and I kissed his forehead and his chubby little cheeks. He squealed and waved his arms at me. Dan kissed his forehead, "Hey little buddy, look at you! I missed you both so much" He cooed. I smiled at him and we all left the airport. When we arrived home we put the boys on their bedroom floor, surrounded by the stuffed toys Daniel and I had won when we went bowling on our first date. They started to play with them as we all talked to catch up.

There was a knock at the door, and Daniel went to answer it. My mother stood in the door way, a German shepherd puppy in her arms. It had a red ribbon tied around its neck. "Mum, what's this?" I asked. She smiled at me and walked over to me. "Well remember how you said you wanted a dog? Then you got caught up with Daniel and then the boys and the wedding. I thought I would buy one for you, as a coming home from your honeymoon present" She shrugged.

I laughed and picked up the puppy, petting it as it's tail wagged at me. "Is it a girl or a boy?" Dan asked, petting its head. "Boy" "Okay, I'm going to name it......Roger" I concluded petting it as it's tongue licked my face. "Roger? Okay then. It's not that bad" Dan shrugged and picked up Isaac. "Look at the puppy" He cooed. Isaac looked at Roger curiously and then reached out a hand to him. Roger licked his tiny palm and Isaac giggled. "Aww" Everyone cooed.

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