Chapter 4

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Daniel POV

I drove down the highway towards Strike zone, the local bowling alley. I wanted to take Alexis there to have some fun. We pulled up in the parking lot and she laughed. I turned to face her and she bad a brilliant smile spread across her face. "What?" I asked smiling too. Her smiles were infectious. "I love bowling" She said, leaning over to kiss me gingerly on the lips. She jumped out of the car before I grabbed her. I huffed and jumped out too.

We went up to the cashier and got our shoes, crossing over to our lane. We sat down on the seat, putting on our shoes. I stood up and set up the scoreboard, putting our names up on the screen. We played two games. I won the first one- naturally. Alexis won the second one. Alexis was actually really good and got me in the end. I was surprised but proud of her. She just keeps getting better and better.

After two hours of bowling, we headed across the street to the arcade. We spent $60 on arcade games, nearly emptying out my wallet. We won heaps of stuffed animals, and plenty of lollies. We walked back to the car laughing, our arms filled with victory prizes. Best first date ever. We stuffed it all in the boot of the car, and jumped in. I wanted to show her something. Something that we could share together and make our own.

We turned back onto the highway, exiting onto the main road. Alexis was sending me weird looks. "Are you kidnapping me?" She asked suspiciously. I laughed at her and shook my head. "No" "Then where are we going?" She asked staring at me confused. I looked at her and then focused my attention back on the road. "I'm taking you somewhere special. I want to show you something" I said turning onto a dirt track.

We arrived at the spot. I had chosen this spot and claimed it. All mates claim a spot to call their own. This is the spot that I chose for me and Alexis. I talked to my dad about it and he agreed this was a good spot. My parents spot was on the outskirts of town, in a small clearing. It had a little river running through it. I know this because when you have a pup, you take it with you to your spot so it can learn who it's parents are.

When pups are very young, say a week, they still don't understand or know who their parents are. So the parents take the pup to their spot, which is covered in the parents' scent. It helps the pup to memorize and spot the scent of its parents. Some day, we'll bring our pup here. I cannot wait. I couldn't think of anyone better to have a pup with, than Alexis. Our pup would not only be beautiful but be smart as well. Some of the many traits its mother has.

Of course in order to have a pup we must mate. But I have to tell her about the Luna situation first. I planned on telling her tomorrow. "Wow" She breathed. "This is our spot now" I whispered in her ear. She turned towards me with awe in her eyes. "How did you find this place?" She asked amazed. I smiled at her and turned her back around. We sat on the soft green grass. I held her in my arms and we watched the sunset behind the water.

Our spot was in a small cove. It arced around us, rocks on either side. Behind us was a dirt road leading back to the main road. My car was parked a few feet away next to a trail. The trail lead through a rock cave that wrapped around the cove. It was perfect. The small waves crashed against the pebbly sand. When the sun had disappeared beyond the ocean, we headed back to the car. Alexis snuggled up against me, trying to get warm.

We drove back along the main road. I turned off into Alexis' street. She had fallen asleep on the way home and was now leaning against my shoulder. I pulled up into her driveway and got out. I walked to the other side, picking Alexis up and carrying her to the door. I knocked and waited for someone to answer. I knew her mother was home. The lights were on in the kitchen. The door opened and her mother gasped. I smiled at her warmly.

"Hi Mrs Dalton. Alexis fell asleep in my car, so I thought I'd bring her in for you" She smiled at me and opened the door further to let me in. "Thank you dear. What's your name?" She asked. "Daniel" I smiled at her and walked up the stairs towards Lexi's bedroom. I placed her down in her bed, pulling the covers over her. I kissed her on the forehead, my lips lingering there for a moment. "Goodnight Alexis" I whispered and she murmured in return.

I smiled as I walked down the stairs. Mrs Dalton stood in the kitchen reading a cookbook. She looked up at me when I walked into the room. "Thank you Daniel. Are you Alexis' mate?" She asked curiously. I nodded smiling. The rest of the night I spent talking to Alexis' mum, getting to know her and listening to stories about her family. I left later on, promising I would visit again soon. I liked Mrs Dalton, she was a nice, kind woman. I would be proud to call her mum.

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